
  • a crew manag repres base in wilmington delawar violat compani polici by work at her person own busi between august 25 2022 and februari 13 2023 while she was on leav under the famili medic leav act fmla and receiv short term disabl benefit in excess of 35 000 the employe was termin on june 1 2023 after her disciplinari hear on may 25 2023 she is inelig for rehir
  • an amtrak assist passeng conductor base in denver colorado was termin from employ on may 25 2023 follow his administr hear the denver polic depart request our assist in identifi an individu who was suspect of shoplift item valu at 244 from a whole food market while wear an amtrak uniform our investig result in the identif of the former employe and he subsequ plead guilti to and was convict for…
  • an assist supervisori plumber base in new york new york violat amtrak polici by engag in outsid employ at two construct compani while on famili medic leav act fmla and receiv railroad retir board benefit the employe resign in lieu of his disciplinari hear and is inelig for rehir
  • mission mission support provides resources management, technical, and administrative support services to the operations of the office of the inspector general (oig). these functions include:
    • contracting and procurement;
    • human capital management;
    • information technology;
    • financial management including budget formulation, justification, and execution;…
  • august 21 2023 miami a florida man plead guilti juli 28 2023 for his role in a timecard falsif and kickback scheme that bilk amtrak of thousand of dollar accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida nbsp accord to the releas edel perez acanda 40 of miami florida plead guilti to one count of theft of govern fund for his role in the scheme which involv…
  • nbsp august 21 2023 new orlean the spous of a former amtrak employe was charg juli 7 2023 with make fals statement and theft of govern fund relat to the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act nbsp accord to the charg document temika santemor 43 current a resid of houston made fals statement to the small busi administr to fraudul obtain pandem relat relief loan fund by the feder govern includ…
  • lesli ezidor a resid of los angel california and owner of the now defunct irvin well pharmaci was sentenc on juli 24 2023 in u s district court central district of california to 6 year in prison 3 year of supervis releas and was order to pay restitut of 12 715 679 includ 26 962 to amtrak for health care fraud and illeg remuner in connect with feder health care program nbsp alexand semenik a medic…
  • david puglies a resid of palm beach counti florida plead guilti on juli 28 2023 in u s district court southern district of florida to conspiraci to commit health care fraud puglies was the manag and regist agent of capit advantag diagnost llc which was purport in the busi of perform a varieti of laboratori test for various health care provid nbsp our investig found that puglies and other submit…
  • an amtrak senior manag base in philadelphia pennsylvania sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic middl district of florida on august 15 2023 and agre to pay 25 441 in restitut our investig found that the employe submit applic that contain fals inform to the small busi administr to qualifi for a coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act econom injuri disast loan advanc
  • an amtrak assist lead custom servic repres base in new orlean louisiana resign from his posit on august 8 2023 prior to his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by accept cash kickback from a privat transport driver for refer passeng to his servic dure his interview the former employe admit to receiv money for refer passeng to the transport servic anoth…