
  • washington amtrak has improv it background check process for new hire but still face challeng with oversight and implement accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general audit releas monday the oig found improv in the compani s background check process sinc the oig last review this issu in a 2012 report which cite numer manag control weak for exampl of the 1 293 employe hire in fiscal year 2017…
  • this report is the second in a seri about the mechan depart s oper effici and focus on the depart s servic and inspect activ the compani has a total of 62 locat nationwid where it servic and inspect trainset 50 smaller out site as well as 12 larger prevent mainten facil our audit object was to identifi opportun if ani for the mechan depart to reduc the cost of it servic and inspect oper at it 50…
  • mary l. kendall deputy inspector general mary kendall spent much of her career as an attorney for federal law enforcement programs and as a state and federal prosecutor. she joined the federal workforce in 1986 as an attorney for the u.s. environmental protection agency's office of general counsel. in 1990, she transferred to epa's office of criminal enforcement, where she served for nine…
  • employment opportunities (please note that amtrak oig is not a federal agency; these are not federal government positions) the mission of the amtrak office of inspector general (oig) is to provide independent, objective oversight of amtrak’s programs and operations through audits, inspections and evaluations, and investigations focused on improvements to amtrak’s economy, efficiency,…
  • washington amtrak has opportun to reduc the cost of perform servic and inspect activ by adjust workload staf and better manag overtim accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general audit releas friday depend on the extent of oig recommend chang implement amtrak could put an estim 2 3 million to 6 4 million to better use the report said amtrak has a total of 62 locat nationwid where it servic and…
  • an amtrak build and bridg supervisor in baltimor maryland was termin from employ follow an administr hear on octob 23 2018 for violat compani polici by claim and receiv pay for unwork hour and instruct a subordin employe also base in baltimor to use the supervisor s compani identif card to clock the supervisor in and out for his shift on sever occas the subordin employe was also found to have…
  • this year mark the 40th anniversari of the inspector general act and the creation of the origin 12 offic of inspector general our offic was establish in 1989 as a result of 1988 amend to the act sinc that time the communiti has grown to includ 73 statutori inspector general who collect overse the oper of near all aspect of feder fund oper everi six month we are requir by the act to provid…
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s prevent mainten oper which is a continu of our audit work assess the mechan depart s oper effici our object is to identifi opportun if ani to improv the effici and reduc the cost of the compani s prevent mainten oper we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit dure the audit we plan to interview compani offici in the mechan and financ depart we…
  • thank you for your interest in a reward career with the amtrak offic of inspector general collect our team provid independ oversight of amtrak s program and oper and work dilig to prevent and detect fraud wast and abus by amtrak employe contractor or vendor this work not onli help to improv the effici and effect of amtrak but it also inform decis make by amtrak s board of director amtrak manag…
  • our job vacanc includ intern posit are post on the amtrak offic of inspector general current job open page note click on this link will take you to an extern page to appli for ani of the job list submit your resumé and a cover letter onli other document like diploma and certif will not be review what to expect you will receiv a confirm e mail follow your success applic submiss oig human capit…