Audit Reports
151 - 160 of 217 Results
Audit Reports
QUALITY CONTROL REVIEW: Amtrak's Independent Public Accountant Met Applicable Auditing Standards for the Fiscal Year 2012 Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2013-004 | 01/31/2013
Audit Reports
RAILROAD SAFETY: Amtrak Has Made Progress in Implementing Positive Train Control, but Significant Challenges Remain
Tracking Number: OIG-E-2013-003 | 12/19/2012
Audit Reports
ACELA CAR PURCHASE: Questioned Costs Identified in Price Proposal
On February 27, 2012, Amtrak received a price proposal to deliver 40 Acela coach cars.
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2013-002 | 12/03/2012
Audit Reports
ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDITS: Observations for Improving Oversight of the Independent Public Accountant
Our objectives were to (1) gain an understanding of the company’s contract solicitation, administration, facilitation, and oversight activities as they relate to the IPA; and (2) identify best practices for the Audit and Finance Committee’s and ma
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-017 | 09/26/2012
Audit Reports
RAILROAD SAFETY: Amtrak is Not Adequately Addressing Rising Drug and Alcohol Use by Employees in Safety-Sensitive Positions
We initiated this evaluation to determine whether Amtrak is ensuring that its HOS employees are complying with federal regulations governing the use of drugs and alcohol.
Tracking Number: OIG-E-2012-023 | 09/26/2012
Audit Reports
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Some Questioned Invoice Charges and Minimal Benefit from Duplicative Invoice-Review Process
Our objectives were to determine whether the (1) costs billed by the design/build contractors were adequately supported and allowable under the contracts’ terms and conditions and (2) process to review design/build contractors’ invoices was effect
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-021 | 09/20/2012
Audit Reports
FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Initiatives to Help Reduce Direct Operating Losses Can Be Enhanced by Overall Plan
Specifically, our reporting objectives are to (1) determine whether opportunities exist to improve food and beverage program management accountability and planning, and (2) follow up on actions taken in response to our June 2011 recommendations to
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-020 | 09/06/2012
Audit Reports
AMTRAK INVOICE REVIEW: Undetected Errors Resulted in Overpayments
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-019 | 09/04/2012
Audit Reports
CLAIMS PROGRAM: Use of Best Practices Would Strengthen Management Controls
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-016 | 08/13/2012
Audit Reports
HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Weaknesses in Hiring Practices Result in Waste and Operational Risk
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-014 | 07/18/2012