The Inspector General Act

Click here to View The Inspector General Act of 1978 as Amended, 5 U.S.C. Appendix 3

Inspector General Oversight

The Amtrak Office of the Inspector General established the OIG Hotline (1-800-468-5469) to provide Amtrak employees, contractors, and private citizens with a confidential means of reporting incidences of suspicious activity to the OIG concerning fraud, waste, abuse, and employee or management misconduct.

In accordance with the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008, Section 13, it is not our policy to attempt identification of individuals contacting the Tip Hotline except in cases involving national security, public safety, and or imminent danger. Individuals may contact the OIG by telephone, by fax, by mail, or through our Tip Hotline form. No caller identification features are used in the operation of the Tip Hotline. No identifying information is required when you submit an online form, but you may provide your name, address, or phone number, if you wish.

To Report an Allegation of Fraud, Waste, or Abuse:

Please provide as much detail as possible about who, why, when, what, where, how, or how much about the incident. Although it is not necessary, you may provide your name and address if you wish. The Tip Hotline form does not use your e-mail address when the Tip Hotline form is submitted, and OIG will not attempt to identify you if you wish to remain anonymous.

Contact by Telephone or Fax:

Toll-Free 1-800-468-5469 (Tip Hotline)

Fax: 1-202-906-4695

Write to:

Office of the Inspector General
National Railroad Passenger Corporation
10 G St. NE, Suite 3W-300
Washington, DC 20002

or Submit an Online Form:

Report Allegations of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse under the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008.