
  • our initi object was to assess the effect of the compani s oversight and coordin of it privat secur contractor but we report our observ now to inform the compani s effort to consolid privat secur contractor under a nationwid contract nbsp in june 2020 we report that the amtrak polic depart apd did not have full visibl over privat secur contractor becaus various end user depart can independ seek…
  • for immedi releas june 28 2023 nbsp newark n j a former amtrak employe and a new jersey man plead guilti tuesday to charg relat to a health care fraud scheme that bilk amtrak s health care plan of million of dollar accord to the u s attorney s offic district of new jersey nbsp devon burt 50 of blue bell pennsylvania the former amtrak employe and hallum gelzer 44 of east orang new jersey separ…
  • a crew manag repres base in wilmington delawar violat compani polici by work at her person own busi between august 25 2022 and februari 13 2023 while she was on leav under the famili medic leav act fmla and receiv short term disabl benefit in excess of 35 000 the employe was termin on june 1 2023 after her disciplinari hear on may 25 2023 she is inelig for rehir
  • a las vega man plead guilti to charg of wire fraud and aggrav ident theft in u s district court eastern district of pennsylvania on may 17 2023 the man admit to particip in a phish scheme in which he fraudul obtain credit card and person identifi inform pii from his victim includ name and bank inform he use the victim credit card inform and pii to purchas onlin travel ticket on common carrier…
  • an assist supervisori plumber base in new york new york violat amtrak polici by engag in outsid employ at two construct compani while on famili medic leav act fmla and receiv railroad retir board benefit the employe resign in lieu of his disciplinari hear and is inelig for rehir
  • an engin supervisor base in new york citi violat compani polici by work in violat of the 16 hour rule receiv unnecessari time paid not work and receiv pay for more than 24 hour in a day specif we found 41 occas when the supervisor claim compensatori time for minim or no work and 35 occas when the employe did not swipe in or out on a time and attend machin as requir by compani polici the employe…
  • the owner of a compani contract to do work for amtrak sign a pre trial divers agreement on may 8 2023 in marion counti superior court indiana our investig found that the contractor stole two train horn from the beech grove mainten facil and later sold them to individu he met on various train relat internet site and onlin forum the contractor agre to pay 10 000 in restitut includ 4 750 to the…
  • an amtrak assist passeng conductor base in denver colorado was termin from employ on may 25 2023 follow his administr hear the denver polic depart request our assist in identifi an individu who was suspect of shoplift item valu at 244 from a whole food market while wear an amtrak uniform our investig result in the identif of the former employe and he subsequ plead guilti to and was convict for…
  • an amtrak coach cleaner base in beech grove indiana was termin from employ on june 15 2023 follow her administr hear our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by fail to report her arrest and convict for oper a vehicl while intox we also found that the employe misus leav grant under the famili medic leav act fmla by claim fmla leav for the time she was incarcer
  • our object was to identifi ani challeng with compani system and process that could imped the capit deliveri depart s abil to effect track and manag cost for capit project nbsp amtrak s capit deliveri depart is strengthen it abil to track and manag cost for exampl the compani is develop a singl project manag system that it anticip will replac or integr at least 12 system to address the challeng…