Audit Reports
161 - 170 of 217 Results
Audit Reports
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-013 | 06/29/2012
Audit Reports
STRATEGIC ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: Opportunities to Improve Implementation and Lessons Learned
Tracking Number: OIG-E-2012-012 | 05/31/2012
Audit Reports
MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE: Improved Practices Have Significantly Enhanced Acela Equipment Performance and Could Benefit Performance of Equipment Company-wide
Tracking Number: OIG-E-2012-008 | 05/21/2012
Audit Reports
AMTRAK CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: Implementing a Risk Management Framework is Essential to Achieving Amtrak's Strategic Goals
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-007 | 03/30/2012
Audit Reports
ACELA CAR PURCHASE: Future Revenue Estimates Were Initially Overstated
Tracking Number: OIG-E-2012-010 | 03/28/2012
Audit Reports
HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Controls Over the Use of Temporary Management Assignments Need Improvement
Amtrak employs about 3,100 management and 17,900 union workers, and often uses union employees to temporarily fill management positions. Since August 2001, 1,476
Tracking Number: OIG-E-2012-009 | 03/28/2012
Audit Reports
INCURRED-COST CONTRACT AUDIT: Contract Modification Charges for Extended Indirect Overhead Costs Not Supported
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-006 | 02/17/2012
Audit Reports
AMTRAK INVOICE REVIEW: Inaccurate Invoices Were Paid, But Progress is Being Made to Improve the Invoice-Review Process
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-005 | 02/16/2012
Audit Reports
ON-TIME-PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES: Inaccurate Invoices Were Paid Due to Weaknesses in Amtrak's Invoice-Review Process
Tracking Number: OIG-A-2012-004 | 02/15/2012