Engagement Memo - Monitoring and Assessing Special Appropriations Related to Coronavirus Impacts
This is to inform you that we are initiating work to assess the company’s administration of the special funds provided by Congress to help it address the coronavirus pandemic, including the recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.1 Our overall objective is to monitor and assess how the company uses, accounts for, and reports on the funds provided under the CARES Act and any other special appropriations related to the coronavirus pandemic. Our work will include, but not be limited to, attending status meetings, interviewing company officials, and reviewing available documentation.
As we start this review, please know that we are acutely aware of and sensitive to the impact that the coronavirus has had on us all, particularly the company’s business operations and its employees. We will work to minimize disruptions to the company by coordinating meetings with staff in advance. We will consider the April 15 briefing you provided to us on your plans for the CARES Act funds to serve as the entrance conference for this engagement, unless you prefer otherwise.