Engagement Memo—Portal North Bridge
We are initiating a review of the Portal North Bridge project—a $2 billion investment to replace the existing two-track swing bridge over the Hackensack River in New Jersey. This project is a key component of the Gateway program to upgrade and replace rail infrastructure between Newark, New Jersey and New York City. Our objective will be to assess Amtrak’s (the company) efforts to partner with New Jersey Transit and oversee company funding as construction advances. We may expand our scope or modify our objective during the review. Our work will include—but may not be limited to—interviewing company and project officials, reviewing and assessing available documentation, and conducting site visits. We will work to minimize disruptions to the company by coordinating meetings with staff in advance.
Our interactions with the company will be consistent with P/I 2.1.4, which sets forth the relationship between our office and the company. In particular, section 7.0 of the policy
discusses coordination between company officials and our Office of Audits.