Audits, Inspections & Evaluations



The Audits group conducts performance and financial audits across the spectrum of Amtrak’s support and operational activities. The group produces reports on those activities that are aimed at improving Amtrak’s economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, while seeking to detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.  The audit activities are focused on issues related to governance, to include financial management, acquisition and procurement, information technology, human capital, and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act-related activities. The group conducts its work in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

Organization and Staffing

Audits is headed by David R. Warren, Assistant Inspector General, Audits, with support staff in Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Audits is responsible for conducting independent reviews of Amtrak’s internal controls and recommending improvements to better safeguard its assets; testing the reliability of financial reporting and providing accounting counsel over company operations; reviewing information technology programs and information security; reviewing procurements and material acquisitions for appropriateness of cost, pricing, and compliance with applicable grant and/or contract terms and conditions; and monitoring compliance with laws and regulations.

The Assistant Inspector General, Audits, representing the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Department of Transportation (DOT), and Comptroller General of the United States, has the added responsibility for audits of Amtrak projects funded by federal grants. A primary objective of these audits is to ensure that funds allocated to projects are expended economically and efficiently.

Inspections and Evaluations


The Office of Inspections and Evaluations (I&E) conducts targeted inspections and evaluations of Amtrak programs and operations to identify opportunities to improve cost efficiency and effectiveness, and the overall quality of service delivery throughout Amtrak.

Organization and Staffing

Inspections and Evaluations is headed by Calvin E. Evans, Assistant Inspector General for Inspections and Evaluations, with eight staff in Washington, D.C. and one in Wilmington, Delaware.