February 28, 2019 |  Annual Plans

I am pleased to present our audit plan for calendar year 2019. This plan provides a road map for accomplishing our mission to conduct independent and objective audits to improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the programs and operations of Amtrak (the company), while preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse. We strive to provide broad and balanced coverage of the company’s programs and operations that have historically been areas of interest to our internal and external stakeholders.

Throughout 2019, our audits will focus on high-risk and high-impact issues identified through our independent assessment of the key risks and management issues facing the company. The scope of the audits will also address risks related to fraud, waste, and abuse. Our planned audits are organized around seven focus areas:
• Acquisition and Procurement
• Customer Service
• Financial Performance
• Governance
• Human Capital
• Information Technology
• Safety and Security

As the year unfolds, we may adjust this plan to ensure that we direct available resources to the areas with the highest risks and impacts. This may include considering audit work on the company’s processes for managing its assets and personnel costs. We welcome suggestions and comments about our planned work. Please direct any suggestions or questions to me or Stephen Lord, Assistant Inspector General for Audits, at 202-906-4600.

Kevin Winters
Inspector General

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