
  • we conduct an extens review of foul time log and bridg log for two connecticut bridg the thame river bridg and the shaw s cove bridg and found 17 occas in 2022 when build bridg employe potenti foul the track by pass within four feet of the near run rail without request the requir foul time in addit we confirm this inform through employe interview our review support assert that the employe did not…
  • februari 26 2024 nbsp washington amtrak face challeng manag it 239 million inventori of part and materi use to maintain it fleet of locomot and passeng car which can limit the roll stock avail for servic delay train limit onboard servic and amen and incur excess cost to manag surplus and obsolet inventori an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today said nbsp while the oig credit the…
  • david puglies a resid of palm beach counti florida was sentenc on januari 12 2024 in u s district court southern district of florida for conspiraci to commit health care fraud puglies was sentenc to 30 month in prison two year probat and was order to pay restitut in the amount of 2 238 699 puglies was the manag and regist agent of capit advantag diagnost llc which was purport in the busi of…
  • on februari 29 2024 an amtrak sheet metal worker base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida to pay a total of 18 750 includ 16 537 34 in restitut our investig found that the employe appli for and receiv two fraudul paycheck protect program ppp loan for an alleg automot repair busi in the amount of 5 746 each the employe claim…
  • we are initi engag to monitor the work of the independ public account ipa perform the audit of amtrak s the compani fiscal year fy 2024 consolid financi statement project 008 2024 and singl audit project 009 2024
  • eric graham a former amtrak conductor base in new york use a stolen ident to obtain employ on juli 8 1998 and continu to use that ident for over twenti year our investig determin that graham use the stolen ident to illeg obtain a passport credit card railroad retir board benefit amtrak employ benefit includ medic coverag and to file feder tax return graham separ from amtrak voluntarili with retir…
  • on march 9 2024 an amtrak foreman ii base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida and agre to pay a total of 20 000 includ 16 100 93 in restitut our investig found that the employe appli for and receiv a fraudul paycheck protect program ppp loan for an alleg cater compani busi in the amount of 13 540 dure his interview the…
  • an amtrak car inspector base in new york new york violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ as a bus oper provid secur servic at night club loung and bar and work as a bouncer while on a medic leav of absenc the employe was on a medic leav of absenc from the compani sinc novemb 8 2015 and had not return to work on march 6 2024 after his corpor trial and in accord with his union agreement…
  • an amtrak employe base in seattl washington was termin from employ on march 7 2024 follow our investig our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by use his compani email to conduct busi for an outlaw motorcycl gang and by maintain sexual explicit imag on his compani devic the former employe also acknowledg that he was deni entri into canada due to his associ with the outlaw…
  • march 14 2024 washington endo health solut inc now in bankruptci agre to resolv crimin and civil investig on februari 29 relat to it sale and market of the opioid drug opana er with intac accord to a u s depart of justic press releas the crimin resolut includ the second largest set of crimin financi penalti ever levi against a pharmaceut compani includ a fine of 1 086 billion and a 450 million…