Engagement Memo - New York Penn Station Infrastructure Renewal Program

May 30, 2017 |  Engagement Memos

We are initiating a review of the company’s plan to address track and related infrastructure issues at New York Penn Station. The recent train derailments in New York Penn Station highlight the need for Amtrak to have an effective, risk-based process to ensure that state-of-good-repair projects for maintaining and improving its critical infrastructure are identified and completed in a timely manner. The successful completion of this work is a high priority for the company, the Board of Directors, the Congress, and other stakeholders.

Our audit objectives are to (1) identify the factors that led to the current infrastructure conditions, (2) assess the company’s plans, estimated costs, schedule, and sources of funds being used to support the planned track and infrastructure repairs at New York Penn Station, and (3) evaluate the company’s efforts to mitigate passenger inconvenience resulting from the scheduled repair work.

We plan to interview company officials and review documents and data related to the renewal program. Our request for documents and interviews will be made as our work progresses. We also will work to minimize the impact of this review by coordinating interviews and observations with staff in advance.

Tracking Number