Report on the Qualitative Assessment Review of the Investigative Operations of the Office of Inspector General for Amtrak

September 10, 2024 |  Peer Review

We have reviewed the system of internal safeguards and management procedures for the investigative operations of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for Amtrak in effect for the period ended March 31, 2024. Our review was conducted in conformity with the Quality Standards for Investigations and the Qualitative Assessment Review Guidelines for Investigative Operations of Federal OIGs established by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE).


We reviewed Amtrak OIG’s compliance with its system of internal policies and procedures to the extent we considered appropriate. The review was conducted at Amtrak OIG’s Headquarters office in Washington, DC, and the field office in Philadelphia, PA. Additionally, we sampled 30 case files for investigations closed during the period April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024.


In performing our review, we also gave consideration to the Attorney General’s Guidelines for OIGs with Statutory Law Enforcement Authority and Section 6(e) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended (IG Act). Those documents authorize law enforcement powers for eligible personnel of each of the various OIGs. Law enforcement powers may be exercised only for activities authorized by the IG Act, other statutes, or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General.


In our opinion, the system of internal safeguards and management procedures for the investigative operations of Amtrak OIG, in effect for the period ended March 31, 2024, is in compliance with the quality standards established by CIGIE and other applicable guidelines and statutes cited above. These safeguards and procedures provide reasonable assurance of conforming with professional standards in the planning, execution, and reporting of Amtrak OIG’s investigations and in the use of law enforcement powers.


We appreciate the cooperation and professionalism of your staff during this review. If you have any questions, please contact me at (202) 589-0034. Otherwise, you may contact Assistant Inspector General for Investigations Lewe Sessions at (202) 604-8765 or lewe.sessions[at]

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