
  • this plan outlin the procedur the amtrak offic of inspector general will follow in the event of a laps in appropri dure a laps in appropri the oig will continu it oper remain open and it employe would report to work
  • an amtrak servic attend base in seattl washington was termin from employ on august 2 2023 follow her administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc dure her interview the former employe admit to her self employ with doordash
  • an amtrak electr journeyman base in miami florida resign from his posit on may 16 2023 prior to his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc
  • washington amtrak is posit itself to compli with infrastructur invest and job act oper polici and fund requir an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today said nbsp these effort includ how the compani plan to use account and report on direct iija fund it will receiv to upgrad capit asset acquir new trainset and reduc it backlog of defer capit project as of juli 2023 amtrak has receiv…
  • septemb 18 2023 washington amtrak has brought 117 of 385 station into complianc with the american with disabl act as of juli 2023 but it would have to signific increas it current pace to complet the remain station by it target complet date of fiscal year 2029 an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today said the report credit amtrak for make progress toward achiev ada complianc at…
  • septemb 27 2023 new orlean a houston woman and former amtrak employe was charg august 18 2023 with make fals statement relat to her applic for pandem relief fund accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana nbsp bria peter 38 alleg made fals statement to fraudul obtain a paycheck protect program loan a program establish under the coronavirus aid relief and…
  • septemb 27 2023 nbsp new orlean a former amtrak employe plead guilti juli 24 2023 to make fals statement relat to her applic for pandem relief fund accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana nbsp brandi weber 28 former of new orlean made fals statement on or about april 2 2021 when appli for a paycheck protect program loan accord to a press releas from…
  • our object was to provid the status of the compani s progress toward achiev complianc with the ada and identifi ani challeng that could delay progress we found that the compani continu to make progress on it ada program sinc our septemb 2021 ada report the compani implement our recommend around effect plan and coordin it ada effort which has help improv it progress in particular the compani has…
  • our object was to assess the compani s earli effort to compli with all infrastructur invest and job act requir with a focus on it abil to use account for and report on the 22 billion in direct iija fund it will receiv nbsp as of juli 2023 the compani has receiv about 731 million in direct iija fund and has spent about 638 million we found that the compani is activ posit itself to compli with iija…
  • an amtrak foreman base in springfield massachusett violat compani polici by leav compani properti on five occas without author dure paid shift in june through juli 2023 on these occas he left his subordin without supervis and he did so even after receiv specif direct to the contrari from his supervisor and anoth foreman dure his interview with oig agent the employe admit to his activ we also…