
  • we initi an investig into an amtrak train servic attend base out of raleigh north carolina after the amtrak polic depart apd notifi us of an outstand warrant for the employe s arrest dure our coordin and initi investig to assist apd we review the employe s onlin employ applic and background check report as a part of the background check the employe certifi that she did not possess a crimin…
  • a podiatrist plead guilti in the u s district court for the central district of california to conspiraci to commit health care fraud money launder and mail fraud on juli 25 2018 accord to court document the podiatrist receiv kickback for prescrib unnecessari compound medic to patient without their knowledg as a result of the scheme amtrak s insur provid were fraudul charg approxim 22 000 two…
  • an amtrak reserv sale agent resign from employ on septemb 4 2018 after the employe was prosecut for theft of custom credit card number the employe use the stolen credit card number to purchas item for person use valu at over 2 100 on august 22 2018 in the court of common plea of philadelphia counti pennsylvania the employe enter into an acceler rehabilit disposit intervent program agreement for…
  • an amtrak foreman in chicago illinoi was issu a letter of counsel on septemb 9 2018 for provid an unauthor written endors of a compani vendor the written endors was post on the vendor s websit on august 23 2018 the vendor was issu a notic to remov the unauthor endors along with all compani imag and logo that had been post to their websit without permiss the vendor subsequ remov the unauthor…
  • a ticket agent resign on april 5 2018 prior to an administr hear for steal money from a cash drawer at amtrak s los angel union station our investig determin that the employe would wait until train conductor electron scan passeng ticket and would then reset the ticket s status as if it had not been scan at all this process of reset the ticket status allow the ticket to be refund or exchang…
  • this report identifi our view of the top manag and perform challeng face amtrak the compani mani other inspector general are legisl requir to produc similar report focus on high risk or high impact activ and perform issu that affect program oper and the achiev of strateg goal those report have shown that period identifi and report these challeng to manag and other decis maker can help improv…
  • for immedi releas octob 2 2018 washington amtrak s offic of inspector general releas it biannual manag challeng report monday highlight eight area in which the compani may face challeng in fiscal year 2019 and 2020 the report titl amtrak top manag and perform challeng fiscal year 2019 2020 conclud that the compani made progress across each of the challeng area in particular the compani reduc oper…
  • mission the general counsel provides legal assistance and advice to amtrak office of inspector general (oig) senior management and supports audits, special reviews, and investigations. counsel coordinates with outside attorneys, including local and federal agencies and law enforcement attorneys, and appears in court on behalf of the oig and its employees.   colin carriere general counsel…
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s multimillion dollar procur card program our object is to assess the effect of the compani s control in prevent and detect inappropri use of procur card includ potenti fraud wast and abus we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit dure the audit we plan to analyz document and data relat to procur card transact interview compani offici and review…
  • in juli 2012 we report on signific manag control weak in the compani s background check process for the employe it hire which the compani took action to address the purpos of this review was to provid an updat on the compani s background check process our object was to assess the effici and effect of this process for compani employe and contractor employe work in the compani we found that the…