
  • one supervisor two assist supervisor two foremen and a driver base in new york citi violat compani polici by engag in time and attend fraud all six individu resign dure the investig or prior to their disciplinari hear the former employe intent misus their compani badg and or creat counterfeit badg that they fraudul swipe for one anoth via amtrak s time and attend machin to clock in or out the six…
  • for immedi releas march 25 2022 nbsp newark n j an amtrak employe and his wife plead guilti this week for market and distribut over 3 million worth of misbrand drug and unapprov new drug accord to the u s attorney s offic district of new jersey nbsp sylvia kovaleski 43 of south amboy plead guilti on tuesday by videoconfer in u s district court to one count of conspir to distribut misbrand drug…
  • chanh van le aka kevin le a resid of chino california was sentenc on novemb 22 2021 in unit state district court central district of california to eight month in prison three year probat and was order to pay 1 150 000 in joint restitut kevin le previous plead guilti to one count of conspiraci to defraud the unit state our investig found that kevin le open bank account for thu van le a k a toni le…
  • an inform technolog manag base in washington d c was termin from the compani on march 30 2022 we found that the manag violat compani polici by discuss bid strategi with a vendor and provid exclus access to compani facil prior to the vendor submit it bid to the compani give the vendor an unfair competit advantag
  • this report offer our perspect relat to issu the compani could face as it prepar to receiv fund from the infrastructur invest and job act iija which could begin later in fiscal year 2022 while the oig recogn the compani has made signific progress in the past decad this report focus on specif challeng relat to receiv iija fund nbsp safe oper and a safe workplac will remain the cornerston of the…
  • nbsp for immedi releas april 5 2022 nbsp nbsp washington histor invest from the infrastructur invest and job act could strain amtrak s abil to manag it current oper while concurr plan and manag a long term multibillion dollar infrastructur portfolio accord to a new report releas monday by amtrak s offic of inspector general nbsp while the report credit amtrak with make signific progress in the…
  • brian kerr former build and bridg assist supervisor plead guilti in new york counti suprem court on march 23 2022 to two misdemeanor count to falsifi busi record make fals entri he was sentenc to a condit discharg and order to pay restitut to the compani in the amount of 360 23 kerr among other particip in a scheme to intent misus compani badg and or creat counterfeit badg that he and the other…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s project cost manag practic our object will be to assess the effect of the compani s system and process to track and manag project cost we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit to complet our work we plan to interview compani offici with project cost manag respons review relev document and data and assess relat polici and procedur nbsp we…
  • we respect submit the nation railroad passeng corpor amtrak offic of inspector general s oig fiscal year fy 2023 budget propos we are request 27 720 000 to support our mission of effect and meaning oversight of amtrak the compani these fund will enabl us to accomplish our key respons of produc audit and review investig legal analys and other type of report consist with our mission in addit the…
  • on januari 8 2018 we initi a project to monitor the compani s activ associ with the revenu growth initi particular it effort to use a master develop at five major termin chicago union station baltimor penn station philadelphia 30th street station new york penn station and washington union station the overal object was to keep apprais of the various govern plan implement and financ issu associ…