
  • the object for this report was to assess the effect of the compani s current effort to better manag it vehicl fleet includ ani effort made by the compani to respond to our prior observ nbsp we found that the compani has address some weak in it manag of it vehicl fleet includ improv safeti by instal dashboard camera in almost three quarter of the fleet and take step to right size the fleet in…
  • a former los angel base amtrak employe was sentenc in los angel municip court on march 13 2020 to three year of probat order to pay 34 030 in restitut to amtrak and to complet 90 day of communiti servic the former employe plead guilti to grand theft after our investig reveal she stole money from the employe vend commiss fund she admit to a portion of her total theft on decemb 4 2018 dure an…
  • a custom servic repres in joliet illinoi was termin from employ on march 16 2020 follow an administr hear for violat compani polici our investig found that the employe inappropri use leav grant under the famili medic leav act to engag in outsid employ addit the employe was dishonest with our agent when we interview him dure this investig
  • a comput tech base in bear delawar violat amtrak polici by conduct consult work for a travel agenc while use compani equip and resourc on compani time although the employe was instruct and counsel by her supervisor to discontinu do so we found occas where the unauthor activ continu after be counsel on march 16 2020 the employe retir in lieu of disciplinari action
  • joshua pearson a market from st georg utah plead guilti on octob 22 2019 in u s district court central district of california to receipt of illeg kickback relat to a health care fraud scheme as part the scheme pearson receiv kickback from sheridan medic for patient referr for compound drug drug that were medic unnecessari a market from sheridan medic and the owner of fusion rx compound pharmaci…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s implement of posit train control ptc the compani has identifi ptc as it key safeti system for prevent train collis and is under a regulatori deadlin for full ptc system implement our object will be to assess the compani s effort to implement and oper ptc dure the audit we plan to interview compani personnel and analyz compani document data and control relat…
  • a former amtrak program manag base in washington d c and her sister enter into a communiti servic defer sentenc agreement in superior court district of columbia on octob 28 2019 as part of the agreement they agre to each pay 2 128 in restitut to amtrak complet 48 hour of communiti servic write a letter of apolog to amtrak and not violat ani law for six month in order to avoid sentenc for their…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s implement of the safeti manag system sms a proactiv risk manag process intend to predict and prevent accid our object is to assess the compani s progress in implement and overse the sms and to identifi risk if ani to meet the compani s safeti goal we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit
  • this is to inform you that we are initi work to assess the compani s administr of the special fund provid by congress to help it address the coronavirus pandem includ the recent pass coronavirus aid relief and econom secur care act 1 our overal object is to monitor and assess how the compani use account for and report on the fund provid under the care act and ani other special appropri relat to…
  • the object for this report was to assess the extent to which the compani has effect implement more econom purchas practic we recommend in a 2015 report nbsp we found that the compani is realiz some of the cost save opportun we identifi in our prior report but still has not fulli address the gap in procur practic we highlight for exampl the compani could have save up to 4 5 million in materi cost…