we initi an investig into an amtrak train servic attend base out of raleigh north carolina after the amtrak polic depart apd notifi us of an outstand warrant for the employe s arrest dure our coordin and initi investig to assist apd we review the employe s onlin employ applic and background check report as a part of the background check the employe certifi that she did not possess a crimin…
the passeng rail invest and improv act priia of 2008 encourag amtrak s the compani board of director to develop an incent pay program for manag employe in respons the board implement short term incent sti program for all manag employe and long term incent lti program for the execut base on the compani s achiev of certain corpor financi and custom servic goal our audit object were to assess the…
amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst amp young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2016 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and complianc with law and regul and other matter the contract also requir ernst amp young to perform a singl audit of the compani s feder grant for the…
our offic initi an investig into sevier valley oil compani which suppli fuel direct to the locomot and found that weak in the compani s manag control for the test of diesel fuel allow substandard fuel to be deliv to these locomot this is an import issu becaus diesel fuel power the compani s fleet of 269 diesel locomot on 15 long distanc rout and 26 state support rout the loss of locomot power on…
on juli 24 2017 the unit state attorney s offic district of new jersey announc that adam martignetti a former bayway lumber salesman admit his role in a scheme to defraud custom includ amtrak and lie to a feder grand juri martignetti admit that from 2011 through 2013 he conspir with other to defraud amtrak and other bayway lumber custom by provid free item to the custom employe and then recoup…
as a part of a nationwid health care fraud enforc action which includ charg against more than 120 defend jame chen owner of haoeyou pharmaci plead guilti in the unit state district court central district of california on june 19 2017 to one count of health care fraud relat to his pharmaci process and bill tricar approxim 62 million in fraudul prescript for compound medic after chen paid more than…
our work show the compani s current ethic relat activ partial align with some lead practic howev these action do not in the aggreg constitut a comprehens and effect ethic program necessari to help prevent and detect crimin conduct or other uneth behavior without a robust ethic program that is fulli in line with these practic the compani remain vulner to legal risk from employe uneth action as…
in the largest ever health care fraud enforc action by feder prosecutor 120 nbsp defend nationwid includ an amtrak employe and health care provid were charg for alleg particip in health care fraud scheme that cumul alleg approxim 1 3 nbsp billion in fals bill amtrak employe gladi perez licens acupuncturist xiao kimi gudmundsen and suzana cortez an employe who work for gudmundsen were arrest in…
we initi an investig into an alleg that an amtrak employe violat compani polici by accept a 1 000 donat from one of the compani s vendor to help with person medic expens our investig confirm that the employe who was respons for select vendor that servic and maintain amtrak polic depart vehicl accept the donat while his accept of the donat from a compani vendor is in violat of amtrak polici mitig…
on juli 13 2017 the philadelphia district attorney s offic and amtrak s offic of inspector general oig announc the resolut of charg against shohana culberson for defraud amtrak of more than 26 000 culberson was charg with theft of servic and crimin conspiraci and was subsequ termin from amtrak culberson s crimin activ was uncov when an amtrak conductor identifi two passeng who could not produc…