
  • an anonymous source alleged that a back bay station employee left the station on numerous occasions to go to a local gym without the knowledge or authorization of management while on company time. a comparison of employee payroll records and gym attendance records was conducted and it was determined that the employee left work while on duty on 12 separate occasions to go to the gym.
  • the office of inspector general ("oig") office of investigations ("oi") received an allegation that [redacted] - marketing, may have abused his position by engaging in a potential conflict of interest situation involving mac america travel, incorporated ("mac america"), a travel agency located in new york, ny. specifically, the information alleged that [redacted] provided mac america with a "…
  • on september 23, 2009 the office of inspector general ("oig"), office of investigations ("oi") received information that [redacted] reservations and information (r&i") clerk, took a medical leave of absence ("mloa") to return to a teaching position or do work as a hair stylist.
  • the office of inspector general ("oig"), office of investigations ("oi") - audits has completed a review of selected eev transactions that were reported by the albuquerque (abq) ticket office for the period october 2004 through march 2005. abq was selected due to the unusually high average monthly eev value reported by the station through november 2004.
  • on november 23, 2009, office of the inspector general ("oig"), office of investigations ("oi") chief inspector [redacted] received a letter from an anonymous source that stated that a mechanical journeyman, [redacted] at the [redacted] street yards, service and inspection ("s & i") building had thrown barbecues and 50/50 raffles for the annual amtrak christmas party on amtrak property and…
  • [redacted] was a director of finance assigned to the payroll unit. [redacted] was an assistant conductor on the virginia railway express. [redacted] supervised and handled paychecks that were in the unclaimed or abandoned property file of the payroll department.
  • wanda lee ann podgurski of the manhattan beach area of los angeles county, california, failed to appear for the reading of court verdict after a two month criminal truck that included about 70 witnesses. although allegedly disabled since 2006, podgurski took vacations to china with her boyfriend.
  • this report provides you the results of our review of the adequacy of amtrak's real property inventory management information.
  • office of investigations looked into allegations regarding a customer service representative who allowed his girlfriend to ride the amtrak train for free. the girlfriend provided oi with a photograph and text messages showing the employee was engaged in sexually explicit actions while at his amtrak work station.
  • san diego county district attorney bonnie dumanis today announced that a jury convicted a former amtrak employee, wanda lee ann podgurski, 60, of 29 felony counts including insurance fraud, perjury, grand theft from amtrak railroad retirement board and tax evasion after a two-month jury trial. the charges also included white collar enhancements involving taking more than $500,000.