
  • investig recent identifi fraudul activ in the compani s lost and found program along with potenti manag and control weak that may have allow this behavior to occur our object is to assess the compani s process and polici for manag it lost and found program to determin the extent to which the compani safeguard lost item and return them to custom in a time manner we may modifi our scope or object…
  • for immedi releas decemb 15 2020 nbsp washington amtrak has instal posit train control technolog on the track it own and expect it system to be interoper with host and tenant railroad by year s end but it can take step to better ensur it system are reliabl accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today nbsp ptc is a safeti technolog that automat appli a train s brake to slow…
  • our object for this report was to complet our review of the compani s use of coronavirus aid relief and econom secur care act fund and it control to accur track and report on them nbsp we found that the compani is effect use account for and report on the 1 018 billion it receiv through the care act and that it has address the initi risk we identifi in our interim report publish in august 2020…
  • for immedi releas decemb 17 2020 nbsp washington amtrak is effect use account for and report on fund it receiv through the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act accord to a report releas by amtrak s offic of inspector general today nbsp the oig identifi two adjust the amtrak could make relat to it cost report for state support servic and it coronavirus relat leav process that would help the…
  • two senior amtrak inform technolog employe were termin on decemb 11 2020 for violat compani polici by 1 steer contract to close person friend 2 fail to disclos relationship between compani employe and vendor 3 engag in conflict of interest by approv invoic for person gain and 4 coordin with contractor dure a competit solicit misrepres amtrak s requir and engag in other activ that undermin the…
  • a lead servic agent base in new york citi resign on decemb 12 2020 prior to her disciplinari hear for violat amtrak polici by ad tip to at least two café car credit card transact receipt without the knowledg or author of the custom
  • an amtrak signal maintain base in chicago illinoi was termin from employ on decemb 3 2020 follow his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by leav dure his work shift to drive for a rideshar compani we also found that he routin sat in his car dure his work shift for extend period of time dure his interview he admit to leav dure his work shift to drive for…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2020 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and on complianc and other matter becaus the compani receiv feder assist it must obtain an audit perform in accord with general accept govern audit standard…
  • an amtrak polic depart employe resign on decemb 15 2020 in lieu of a disciplinari hear for violat various compani polici our investig found that the employe engag in outsid employ dure his shift and while on sick leav in do so the employe also violat his union agreement the employe shop onlin and left for long period of time to purchas suppli for his outsid employ dure his apd shift and engag in…
  • an amtrak employe base in jackson michigan was termin from employ on decemb 2 2020 for violat the collect bargain agreement between the brotherhood of mainten of way employe and amtrak our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc from the compani