
  • ryan kane a resid of pennsylvania was sentenc in u s district court northern district of illinoi to time serv three year supervis releas and a 100 special assess for his part in an amtrak ticket fraud scheme as part of his sentenc kane was order to pay 124 544 in restitut 35 000 of which is owe sole by kane and 89 544 of which is owe joint with co conspir christian newbi as a condit of his releas…
  • sidney cobo allan lummer farshad sassounian and ashkan kohanpour medic market base in los angel california plead guilti in unit state district court central district of california on april 9 2021 to one count each of aid and assist in the prepar of a fals tax return the four defend will be sentenc at a futur date nbsp our investig found that they aid in the prepar and present of a fals tax return…
  • our object for this report was to assess the extent to which the compani is accur and transpar use account for and report on fund it was provid through the coronavirus respons and relief supplement appropri act of 2021 nbsp we found that the compani remain a good steward of the 1 billion in fund congress provid as part of the coronavirus respons and relief supplement appropri act of 2021 relief…
  • for immedi releas may 14 2021 nbsp washington amtrak s offic of inspector general said in a report releas today that amtrak demonstr good stewardship of pandem relat fund provid by congress but has opportun to improv transpar in it communic with stakehold about it employe furlough and spend plan nbsp in decemb 2020 congress provid 1 billion in pandem relief fund for amtrak through the coronavirus…
  • for immedi releas may 14 2021 nbsp indianapoli investig with the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearm and explos amtrak offic of inspector general and amtrak s polic depart are seek the public s assist in identifi and locat the individu or individu respons for set fire to two build at amtrak s beech grove mainten facil at approxim 12 30 a m on may 2 2021 nbsp at least one individu set fire to two…
  • i am pleas to submit the amtrak offic of inspector general oig semiannu report to the unit state congress for the six month end march 31 2021 one year ago we were in the veri earli stage of the covid 19 pandem a time when amtrak s ridership and revenu plung to record low sinc then the compani has receiv more than 3 7 billion in feder fund dedic to address pandem relat requir restor long distanc…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s respons to the ongo eros of the bluff in del mar california over which the compani oper daili pacif surflin servic in februari 2021 a seawal collaps along the bluff this is just the most recent of such event which over the past 20 year have result in emerg repair rail servic suspens and feder railroad administr impos speed restrict our object will be to…
  • for immedi releas may 26 2021 nbsp philadelphia wescott electr compani of aston pennsylvania agre to pay 54 983 and implement enhanc complianc measur to resolv claim aris from it use of chines made part dure a fire alarm instal and renov project at amtrak s 30th street station in philadelphia accord to a may 20 2021 announc from the eastern district of pennsylvania s u s attorney s offic nbsp…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ public account firm of ernst amp young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of and for the fiscal year then end septemb 30 2020 and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and complianc with certain provis of law regul contract and grant agreement and other matter which they issu on decemb 17 2020 1 becaus the compani receiv…
  • a procur manag was termin from employ on may 21 2021 after our investig found she violat amtrak polici by repeat mischaracter the relationship with and misrepres action by our offic to intimid and coerc amtrak employe and vendor from take certain action or into conduct certain action on multipl occas although the employe admit to her misconduct she was also evas and provid inconsist respons to…