
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s the compani administr of fund provid by congress in the infrastructur invest and job act iija 1 our object will be to assess how the compani is plan to use account for and report on the fund iija provid to replac obsolet asset and invest in defer infrastructur need across it system 2 we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit we plan to interview…
  • a clerk base in beech grove indiana resign from employ on februari 16 2023 prior to his administr hear our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by misus his compani own comput and email address for his person own busi by download unauthor softwar onto the compani s workstat he also use his compani email dure regular work hour to solicit amtrak employe and other to join his busi…
  • on octob 11 2022 an amtrak pipe fitter base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida and agre to pay 10 000 in restitut and a 5 000 penalti our investig found that the employe submit an applic that contain fals statement and inform to the small busi administr in order to qualifi for a care act econom injuri disast loan advanc…
  • on octob 11 2022 an amtrak coach cleaner base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida and agre to pay 10 000 in restitut and a 5 000 penalti our investig found that the employe submit an applic that contain fals statement and inform to the small busi administr in order to qualifi for a care act econom injuri disast loan advanc
  • johnathan pena a medic market base in los angel california was sentenc on februari 27 2023 to time serv and three year probat for conspiraci to commit health care fraud and honest servic mail fraud as well as a violat of the travel act pena was also order to forfeit 134 336 78 pena broker kickback and bribe payment to doctor in exchang for their referr of compound medic durabl medic equip and…
  • on novemb 4 2022 an amtrak motor equip oper base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida and agre to pay 22 904 in restitut and a 6 000 penalti our investig found that the employe submit a fraudul applic to obtain a payrol protect program loan for a busi that did not exist result in the receipt of fund to which he was not entitl
  • on novemb 7 2022 an amtrak coach cleaner base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida and agre to pay 21 999 in restitut and a 5 000 penalti our investig found that the employe submit an applic that contain fals statement and inform to obtain a payrol protect program loan for a busi that did not exist result in the receipt of…
  • we are initi engag to monitor the work of the independ public account ipa perform the audit of amtrak s the compani fiscal year fy 2023 consolid financi statement project 007 2023 and singl audit project 008 2023 nbsp our object will be to 1 determin whether the ipa perform the audit of the compani s consolid financi statement in accord with general accept govern audit standard issu by the…
  • for immedi releas march 23 2023 nbsp los angel a former director at a now defunct irvin pharmaci was sentenc to 9 1 2 year in feder prison monday for his role in a health care fraud scheme which target tricar the militari s health care plan amtrak s health care plan and other for more than 11 million nbsp in addit to the prison sentenc marcus orlando armstrong 56 of miami the former oper director…
  • for immedi releas march 23 2023 nbsp ocala fla a second man was sentenc to prison on februari 17 2023 and order to forfeit more than 40 000 after an amtrak offic of inspector general investig reveal he use fraudul credit card and fraudul identif card to purchas jewelri and cell phone nbsp tyler deandr johnson 27 of tampa was sentenc to three year and eight month in feder prison for access devic…