
  • former amtrak employe sentenc to prison restitut after swindl custom out of more than 23k for phoni amtrak trip to new york citi januari 13 2023 nbsp new orlean a former amtrak employe was sentenc januari 4 for wire fraud relat to a fake new york citi train trip she invent to bilk custom out of approxim 23 000 to 26 000 in payment and for submit fraudul sick benefit claim to the railroad retir…
  • florida doctor sentenc to 20 year in prison for substanc abus treatment fraud scheme januari 13 2023 nbsp palm beach counti fla a florida doctor was sentenc monday to 20 year in prison for engag in a massiv multi year scheme to bill health care benefit program for fraudul test and treatment for vulner patient seek treatment for drug and or alcohol addict accord to a press releas from the u s…
  • in accord with execut order 14074 advanc effect account polic and crimin justic practic to enhanc public trust and public safeti oig with feder law enforc author are requir to public post their polici and procedur for bodi worn camera the amtrak oig bodi worn camera polici is post at the report link on this page howev full implement and effectu of this polici is delay until train with the equip…
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s the compani inform secur practic for protect it system and data intern from unauthor disclosur modif or compromis ani employe or contractor who malici or unintent use their author access to system and data to do harm is an insid threat to the compani accord our object will be to assess the effect of compani control to protect it inform system and data from insid…
  • jame porter jr plead guilti to conspiraci to commit health care fraud and sean porter plead guilti to conspiraci to commit money launder both on januari 5 2023 in u s district court middl district of florida our investig found that the florida resid conspir with other to unlaw bill for approxim 1 4 billion of laboratori test servic which were medic unnecessari and they fraudul use rural hospit as…
  • florida resid jean barbier and bryan decastro plead guilti to conspiraci to commit wire fraud on januari 10 2023 and januari 17 2023 respect in u s district court southern district of florida both defend were employ by a compani contract by amtrak to provid food servic our investig found that decastro fraudul alter the timecard of barbier and anoth individu to make it appear they work more hour…
  • an amtrak trainmast base in new orlean louisiana was termin from employ on januari 27 2023 after our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by intent submit an applic contain fals statement and inform to the small busi administr in order to qualifi for a care act econom injuri disast loan for a busi that doe not exist addit when interview by our agent the employe fail to be…
  • alain galett a resid of miami florida was sentenc on januari 31 2023 in u s district court southern district of florida to 13 month in prison two year of probat and was order to pay 150 000 in restitut to the small busi administr he previous plead guilti to one count of wire fraud in relat to his applic for a payrol program protect ppp loan and in obtain an econom injuri disast loan eidl in the…
  • florida man sentenc to feder prison 27k forfeitur for ident theft use fraudul credit card februari 10 2023 nbsp ocala fla a tampa man was sentenc to 3 year and 10 month in prison on januari 26 2023 and order to forfeit 27 000 in proceed obtain by purchas landscap equip use fraudul credit card accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic middl district of florida nbsp accord to court…
  • in develop our annual audit plan for calendar year cy 2023 we consid input from a varieti of key stakehold and other sourc and priorit our work base on high risk and high impact issu in cy 2023 we will continu our oversight of infrastructur invest and job act iija fund focus on how amtrak is track it iija expenditur and measur their impact we will also complet ongo work assess how the compani is…