
  • an amtrak supervisor base in hamilton new jersey violat compani polici by misus his compani own vehicl by regular stop at bar and restaur on his way home from work and by not keep this vehicl at an approv locat dure his interview with the oig the employe admit to use the vehicl for person use the employe was termin after his disciplinari hear on octob 17 2022
  • for immedi releas decemb 9 2022 nbsp los angel an orang counti pharmacist was found guilti by a juri on novemb 22 for her role in a health care fraud scheme in which more than 1 000 bogus prescript for compound medic were fill cost various health care plan includ amtrak s more than 11 million in loss accord to a press releas from the us attorney s offic central district of california nbsp sandi…
  • our object for this report was to assess the extent to which the compani has control to manag distribut track and retriev high secur key nbsp we observ that high secur key are broad avail to the public and can surfac in onlin and brick and mortar marketplac contribut to secur and safeti risk senior offici told us the compani has measur in place to larg mitig serious risk but the avail of these…
  • for immedi releas decemb 14 2022 washington amtrak has not consist implement control over the distribut track and retriev of it high secur key which contribut to secur and safeti risk an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today said nbsp accord to the report high secur key are physic key use by amtrak employe and contractor to access critic and sensit infrastructur in juli 2022 an…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst amp young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2022 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and on complianc and other matter becaus the compani receiv feder assist it must obtain an audit perform in accord with general accept govern audit…
  • on februari 22 2022 we initi an audit of amtrak s the compani capit plan process our object was to assess the extent to which the compani s capit plan process support it strateg financi and oper goal nbsp dure our work we interview compani offici analyz the compani s fiscal year fy 2022 capit work plan and fy 2022 2027 servic and asset line plan review a sampl of project request and interview…
  • our object for this report was to assess the compani s oversight of the interc trainset program nbsp we found that the compani experienc earli challeng with stakehold engag on the ict program lead to scope chang cost increas and schedul delay in it trainset acquisit and mainten facil modif workstream for exampl the compani did not consult with it food and beverag personnel along with offici from…
  • decemb 27 2022 washington amtrak did not valid trainset and mainten facil design with it own personnel earli in it 7 3 billion interc trainset program now call amtrak airo result in cost redesign and schedul delay an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today said nbsp in june 2021 amtrak contract with siemen corpor to purchas up to 83 new trainset the largest passeng rail equip…
  • our investig uncov bill irregular relat to contract on new york s gateway program rail infrastructur project in the northeast corridor amtrak recov approxim 3 million from a contractor who charg overhead rate that exceed maximum pay rate as proscrib by the gateway project contract includ approxim 1 5 million pursuant to a civil settlement agreement file in the u s district court for the eastern…
  • an amtrak servic train attend base in miami florida resign from his posit on decemb 20 2022 prior to his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ includ self employ while on medic person and collect bargain agreement leav of absenc