
  • a lead servic attend base at new york penn station violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ at two temporari employ agenc and an assist live facil in delawar while on medic leav and receiv railroad retir board benefit the employe resign prior to her disciplinari hear and is inelig for rehir
  • an amtrak coach cleaner base in miami florida was termin from employ on octob 5 2023 follow her administr hear our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc
  • for immedi releas march 14 2019 washington amtrak was unawar that some employe in safeti sensit posit had drug or alcohol relat issu due to weak in it control for detect such issu accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today the oig also found that some employe were not subject to requir test not all supervisor were train to detect the sign of potenti impair in their employe…
  • we are initi a review of the compani s procur process focus on the pre solicit solicit and pre award phase for purpos of our review we will refer to this as the pre award phase our object will be to determin if the compani has effect control and process to ensur fair and open competit dure the pre award phase we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the review dure the review we plan to…
  • i am pleas to submit the amtrak offic of inspector general oig semiannu report to the unit state congress for the six month end septemb 30 2022 which is our independ and object assess of amtrak s program and oper nbsp amtrak continu it post pandem rebound with increas ridership and a histor nation invest through the infrastructur invest and job act iija consequ amtrak is now pois to access up to…
  • i am pleas to submit the amtrak offic of inspector general oig semiannu report to the unit state congress for the six month end septemb 30 2023 which summar our independ and object review and investig relat to amtrak s program and oper nbsp the follow report provid a complet review of our oversight work dure the report period over the next six month we are commit to provid oversight on high…
  • jason chan a california resid plead guilti to wire fraud and aid and abet on novemb 27 2023 in u s district court eastern district of california jamar roger also a resid of california plead guilti to the same charg on octob 10 2023 nbsp our investig found that roger purchas amtrak ticket with stolen credit card and exchang the ticket for voucher that he then advertis for sale chan purchas the…
  • edel perez acanda a resid of miami florida was sentenc on octob 16 2023 in u s district court southern district of florida for theft of govern fund perez acanda was sentenc to 2 month in prison 3 year probat and was order to pay 81 114 in restitut to amtrak perez acanda was employ by a compani contract by amtrak to provid food servic our investig found that co defend bryan decastro fraudul alter…
  • nbsp decemb 26 2023 washington two individu were sentenc decemb 15 2023 for their role in a multi state scheme to defraud health insur compani includ those use by amtrak by use rural hospit to bill for unnecessari drug test nbsp jorg perez 63 of miami was sentenc to eight year and four month in prison ricardo perez 60 also of miami was sentenc to six year and three month in prison they were…
  • decemb 18 2023 washington amtrak met it agreement workforc hire target in fiscal year 2023 and expect to meet hire need in fy 2024 but there are opportun for the compani to improv the effici of it hire process accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today nbsp the oig found that amtrak face challeng with two distinct set of data hire timelin data which captur mileston in the…