
  • decemb 26 2023 new orlean the spous of a former amtrak employe who now resid in houston texa was sentenc decemb 12 2023 after plead guilti to make fals statement and theft of govern fund relat to the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act nbsp accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana temika santemor was sentenc to four month of probat and was order…
  • our object was to assess the extent to which the compani is prepar to hire onboard and retain a suffici agreement workforc to execut it growth plan dure the audit we revis our scope and methodolog to identifi ani challeng in the human resourc depart that were contribut to delay and track issu in the hire process nbsp compani offici told us they reach their workforc goal in fy 2023 and they expect…
  • hanna dinh a california resid plead guilti to conspiraci to commit wire fraud on octob 2 2023 in u s district court central district of california our investig found that dinh and other made fals statement to lender in connect with fraudul applic for econom injuri disast loan eidl and paycheck protect program ppp loan for her compani hd financi firm includ fals represent regard the number of…
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s the compani disast recoveri process for it oper technolog ot system our object will be to assess the compani s disast recoveri process includ effort to reduc the risk of disrupt to it ot system we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit we plan to interview compani offici respons for maintain disast recoveri process for it ot system review relat…
  • mark hernandez a psychiatrist base in miami florida peter port owner of safe haven recoveri inc brian dublynn vice presid of safe haven recoveri and medic market jennif sanford were sentenc in unit state district court southern district of florida on octob 23 2023 for conspiraci and other charg relat to health care fraud hernandez was sentenc to 52 month in prison and 3 year probat port was…
  • an amtrak senior manag base in philadelphia was termin from employ on decemb 8 2023 as the result of our investig that found he submit falsifi applic to the small busi administr for a coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act econom injuri disast loan in addit the former employe sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic middl district of florida and agre to pay 25 441 in…
  • an amtrak coach cleaner base in beech grove indiana was termin from employ on decemb 12 2023 follow his administr hear our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by fals claim employ with the u s armi from 2004 2015 on a resum he submit to the compani when he was actual serv time in prison for arson
  • januari 19 2024 new orlean a houston woman and former amtrak employe was sentenc wednesday to five year probat and was order to pay 55 141 in restitut and a 100 mandatori special assess fee for make fals statement relat to the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act nbsp accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana bria peter made fals statement to…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst amp young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2023 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and on complianc and other matter becaus the compani receiv feder assist it must obtain an audit perform in accord with general accept govern audit…
  • five ticket account clerk base in massachusett violat compani polici by use their smart id badg to fraudul swipe one anoth in and or out of amtrak s time and attend machin four employe admit to the violat dure their interview with our agent and we found a fifth employe also violat compani polici by help these employe engag in this misconduct the five employe resign in lieu of their disciplinari…