
  • an amtrak electrician base in wilmington delawar violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ by oper his general contract busi while on a medic leav of absenc the employe was on a medic leav of absenc sinc februari 2020 and had not return to work as of the issuanc of our investig report the employe resign on decemb 12 2023 prior to his schedul administr hear
  • an amtrak supervisor base in philadelphia violat compani polici by use his compani leas vehicl and occasion his compani fuel card to travel to his vacat home at least thirteen time over a nine month period the employe admit to these action dure his interview with our agent he was remov from his supervisori posit on decemb 18 2023
  • ronald andruloni a former amtrak employe was sentenc decemb 15 2023 in u s district court district of columbia to 14 day in prison three year probat and was order to pay 500 in restitut andruloni was charg with enter and remain in a restrict build or ground after enter the u s capitol on januari 6 2021
  • report option befor you begin it is import to understand the differ complaint type you can choos from open the accordion tab below for more inform on each complaint type standard complaint i am provid the oig my name and i agre that the amtrak oig can disclos my name and other inform i provid if necessari in order to ensur my issu are address confidenti complaint i wish to my complaint to be…
  • about us our mission is to provid independ object oversight of amtrak s program and oper through audit and investig focus on recommend improv to amtrak s economi effici and effect prevent and detect fraud wast and abus and provid congress amtrak manag and amtrak s board of director with time inform about problem and defici relat to amtrak s program and oper contact us learn more about us report…
  • we are pleas to present our audit plan for calendar year 2024 in develop this plan we continu to align our work with the histor opportun and inher challeng that amtrak the compani face as it spend the largest feder invest in passeng rail in generat under the infrastructur invest and job act iija 1 the compani has access to up to 22 billion in direct fund and potenti ten of billion more in other…
  • februari 9 2024 philadelphia a california man was sentenc januari 31 2024 to 51 month in prison two year supervis releas and was order to pay 475 910 in restitut for use stolen credit card inform to defraud amtrak and trailway transport system korey wise 48 was sentenc in u s district court eastern district of pennsylvania after plead guilti in may 2023 to two count of wire fraud and one count of…
  • an amtrak engin base in miami florida sign a waiver of administr hear on octob 9 2023 follow a year long investig into time and attend abus by a miami base yard crew by sign the waiver the employe waiv his right to an administr hear and accept respons for the administr charg against him and understood that futur misconduct may result in termin nbsp our investig found that yard crew employe violat…
  • the washington metropolitan area transit author wmata offic of inspector general oig report to our offic that a contractor employ by amtrak as a project manag consult was also work as a full time senior employe at wmata begin in octob 2023 the contract worker was work a full time schedul for amtrak that signific overlap with his work schedul for wmata dure his interview with wmata oig and amtrak…
  • an amtrak conductor base in jacksonvill florida sign a defer prosecut agreement in the seventh judici circuit state of florida on decemb 22 2023 the charg will be dismiss if the employe fulfil the term of the agreement our investig found that the employe attempt to sell high secur railroad switch key on facebook marketplac the employe was previous suspend from employ without pay in lieu of termin…