
  • we initi this work as a survey of amtrak s practic for develop and manag construct contract dure our review howev we identifi other relev challeng which we are rais to inform key stakehold as the compani plan to receiv it first tranch of fund from the infrastructur invest and job act nbsp we found that the compani s electron procur system ariba on demand is not oper as a central and autom…
  • august 18 2022 nbsp washington amtrak doe not have a central and autom repositori to store it procur contract and instead store them in multipl locat affect it abil to determin the total number of contract supplier and other contract inform accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today nbsp the lack of such a repositori limit amtrak s oversight of it contract and pose legal…
  • for immedi releas juli 29 2022 nbsp west palm beach fla the owner of an addict treatment facil was sentenc on juli 29 to five year in prison and order to pay more than 17 million in restitut for her particip in a 58 million health care fraud scheme that bill privat health insur includ amtrak s health care plan for servic that were never provid and not medic necessari nbsp cari lyn beetl 44 of…
  • we are initi a review of amtrak s the compani inventori control and nbsp manag our object will be to evalu compani s process and control to nbsp manag and safeguard it inventori of materi tool and suppli we may expand nbsp our scope or modifi our object dure the audit dure the review we plan to nbsp interview compani offici involv in the manag and oversight of inventori nbsp conduct site visit to…
  • we are initi a review of amtrak s the compani strategi to build it agreement workforc our object will be to assess the compani s effort to build and maintain an agreement workforc that can execut it growth and renew plan in particular we will emphas the posit need to carri out project fund by the infrastructur invest and job act 1 dure the review we plan to interview compani offici respons for…
  • robert joseph a podiatrist base in los angel california was sentenc in u s district court central district of california on juli 25 2022 to two year probat for conspiraci to commit health care fraud joseph was also order to pay a fine of 10 000 and a money judgment forfeitur in the amount of 332 500 our investig found that joseph prescrib unnecessari compound medic to patient without their…
  • alain galett a resid of miami plead guilti in u s district court southern district of florida to one count of wire fraud on august 4 2022 in relat to his applic for a payrol program protect ppp loan and in obtain an econom injuri disast loan eidl in the amount of 149 900 the ppp loan was in the amount of 163 577 but was deni our investig found that galett use an invalid social secur number and…
  • dominiqu henley a former amtrak baggageman base in chicago plead guilti to ident theft and was sentenc in the circuit court of cook counti illinoi on april 20 2022 to 24 month probat our investig found that henley was in possess of 21 social secur card and 13 state and govern issu identif card belong to 21 differ individu we found that of the 21 individu identif document in his possess 19 were…
  • nestor roja a resid of miami plead guilti in u s district court middl district of florida to one count of conspiraci to commit health care fraud and wire fraud on april 21 2022 our investig found that roja conspir with other to unlaw bill for approxim 1 4 billion of laboratori test servic which were medic unnecessari and fraudul use rural hospit as bill shell to submit claim for servic that most…
  • an amtrak servic attend base in seattl resign from his posit on august 17 2022 as a result of our investig into his alleg abus of covid 19 leav our investig found that the employe was place on covid 19 leav on juli 8 2022 a type of leav that is grant for a 5 day period howev the employe fail to produc proof of a covid 19 diagnosi as requir by the compani and remain away from work for 30 day our…