in may 2016 we receiv an alleg that an amtrak execut was violat comput use polici by view sexual explicit imag on his amtrak comput our review confirm the alleg contrari to compani polici the employe view sexual explicit materi use a person own usb storag devic connect to his compani issu laptop
two amtrak supervisor were charg today with overbil amtrak a combin total of more than 800 overtim hour and more than 60 regular hour they claim to be work when they were actual not present at amtrak work site caus 92 000 in loss to amtrak u s attorney paul j fishman announc richard vogel 63 of edison new jersey and donald harper sr 46 of somerset new jersey were arrest this morn by feder agent…
in august 2016 former amtrak employe david davila was arrest and indict in the circuit court of cook counti illinoi for theft of amtrak properti davila was charg with take amtrak power tool and weld equip to a pawn shop in exchang for money he resign from amtrak upon his indict
in decemb 2014 we receiv inform alleg that an amtrak supervisor in michigan may have been involv with improprieti relat to his posit dure the cours of our investig we receiv numer unrel alleg concern the same employe from other sourc we found that in octob 2015 contrari to compani polici the amtrak supervisor conceal a serious oper rule violat commit by two track inspector
amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2015 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and on complianc and other matter becaus the compani receiv feder assist it must obtain an audit perform in accord with general accept govern audit standard
our object was to examin the extent to which the contract manag team follow lead practic in manag the siemen technic support servic contract and to determin whether there are opportun to improv the manag of this contract and futur technic support contract we identifi lead practic for structur technic support servic contract by interview offici from class i railroad csx canadian nation and kansa…
the posit train control enforc and implement act of 2015 requir amtrak the compani to implement an approv posit train control ptc safeti system by decemb 31 2018 ptc system can help prevent some type of train accid result from excess speed includ the tragic train 188 accid that occur in philadelphia on may 12 2015
the u s depart of the interior offic of inspector general recent complet a review of the manag procedur and intern safeguard establish by the nation railroad passeng corpor amtrak offic of inspector general for the law enforc function of that agenc such period review is requir by the council of the inspector general on integr and effici cigi to ensur that the inspector general adher to standard…
in august 2015 we receiv an alleg that an amtrak yard engin in new york was oper train with a suspend driver s licens that result from a drive while intox dwi adjud and a feloni convict for evad the polic our investig determin that contrari to compani polici the yard engin fail to proper report his feloni convict for evad the polic
in anticip of the compani make incent payment to it employe by decemb 31 2016 the board of director has ask us to review the compani s complianc with the requir of the short term incent sti and long term incent lti plan our object are to assess the accuraci of 1 the compani s financi and custom servic data use as the basi for determin sti and lti goal achiev and 2 the sti and lti payment made to…