
  • vision, mission, and authority vision the amtrak oig will operate as a model oig, generating objective and sophisticated products that add value. utilizing modern infrastructure and effective support systems, and following efficient, disciplined processes that meet the standards of the accountability community, our diverse and talented team will work professionally with, but independently from…
  • west palm beach fla the medic director of a substanc abus treatment center in wellington florida plead guilti octob 18 2018 to unlaw distribut control substanc opioid barbitur and benzodiazepin accord to a press releas from the unit state attorney s offic southern district of florida kenneth rivera kolb m d 65 of largo pled guilti to one count of conspiraci to unlaw dispens and distribut control…
  • instructions for submitting a foia request general information the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.s.c. § 552, permits any person to request access to federal agency records or information. federal agencies are required to disclose records upon receipt of a written request, except for records that are protected from disclosure by nine exemptions or three exclusions specified by the act.…
  • west palm beach fla smart lab llc and the corpor s chief execut and chief oper offic were sentenc nov 1 2018 for their particip in a multimillion dollar health care fraud scheme that involv the file of fraudul insur claim form and defraud health care benefit program accord to a press releas from the unit state attorney s offic southern district of florida h hamilton wayn a k a hawkey 40 of palm…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s process for provid reimburs ancillari servic such as the mainten engin and capit improv servic provid to freight and commut oper on a reimburs cost basi our object will be to assess the extent to which the compani is effect and effici manag these servic includ the process and control relat to identifi the full cost of and bill for these servic our scope will…
  • washington amtrak has improv it background check process for new hire but still face challeng with oversight and implement accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general audit releas monday the oig found improv in the compani s background check process sinc the oig last review this issu in a 2012 report which cite numer manag control weak for exampl of the 1 293 employe hire in fiscal year 2017…
  • this report is the second in a seri about the mechan depart s oper effici and focus on the depart s servic and inspect activ the compani has a total of 62 locat nationwid where it servic and inspect trainset 50 smaller out site as well as 12 larger prevent mainten facil our audit object was to identifi opportun if ani for the mechan depart to reduc the cost of it servic and inspect oper at it 50…
  • mary l. kendall deputy inspector general mary kendall spent much of her career as an attorney for federal law enforcement programs and as a state and federal prosecutor. she joined the federal workforce in 1986 as an attorney for the u.s. environmental protection agency's office of general counsel. in 1990, she transferred to epa's office of criminal enforcement, where she served for nine…
  • employment opportunities (please note that amtrak oig is not a federal agency; these are not federal government positions) the mission of the amtrak office of inspector general (oig) is to provide independent, objective oversight of amtrak’s programs and operations through audits, inspections and evaluations, and investigations focused on improvements to amtrak’s economy, efficiency,…
  • washington amtrak has opportun to reduc the cost of perform servic and inspect activ by adjust workload staf and better manag overtim accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general audit releas friday depend on the extent of oig recommend chang implement amtrak could put an estim 2 3 million to 6 4 million to better use the report said amtrak has a total of 62 locat nationwid where it servic and…