the object of this audit was to determin whether charg for servic bnsf invoic to amtrak for train oper over it track from octob 1 2001 through decemb 31 2004 were accur
amtrak has start to focus manag attent on improv control over the approv and use of overtim howev much work remain to be done and current manag control over the approv and oversight of overtim are inadequ this situat leav the compani high vulner to overtim fraud and abus
the object of this audit was to determin whether union pacif the host railroad on time perform incent and servic invoic to amtrak from june 1995 through decemb 1999 were accur
our audit object were to determin whether the committe 1 has compli with the term of the grant agreement to includ the proprieti of grant expenditur 2 produc the deliver contain in the grant provis and 3 has establish adequ intern control to govern it activ
the object of this audit was to determin whether metro north commut railroad metro north invoic to amtrak for otp incent from januari 2005 through decemb 2010 were accur
oig investig alleg that an amtrak machinist stole compani properti and smoke marijuana at work a small amount of amtrak properti was recov dure a search of the employe s home
the offic of inspector general oig maintain a system of qualiti control to ensur that work perform adher to establish oig polici and procedur meet establish standard of perform and is carri out econom effici and effect also in accord with govern audit standard the oig s audit function is subject to peer review peer review provid addit extern assur of the oig s adher to prescrib standard regul and…
i am pleas to present the fiscal year 2011 annual audit inspect and evalu plan for the amtrak offic of inspector general this year promis to be anoth challeng and demand one as we attempt to address the mani complex issu confront amtrak in it daili effort to provid high qualiti passeng rail transport to the nation this plan outlin the area where we intend to undertak audit evalu and inspect work…