
  • april 17 2024 washington amtrak s offic of inspector general releas a report today provid insight for amtrak on way organ can collect and analyz contract and procur data to monitor for and detect fraud risk accord to the report histor level of feder fund from the infrastructur invest and job act provid signific opportun for improv rail infrastructur but also provid crimin with a lucrat target for…
  • april 17 2024 washington a durabl medic equip provid agre on februari 15 2024 to a 25 5 million settlement with the unit state to resolv claim that it violat the fals claim act by fraudul continu to bill health care program to includ amtrak s for the rental of cost non invas ventil when patient no longer need or use the devic nbsp accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic southern…
  • our offic remain commit to investig and prosecut fraud case and identifi opportun to improv relat intern control ultim the compani is respons for prevent detect and report fraud and institut the control necessari to do so to help inform the compani s effort to combat this persist threat we issu a report in may 2023 that identifi four fraud risk area face the compani contract and procur health…
  • on march 11 2024 an amtrak custom servic repres base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida and agre to pay a total of 15 000 includ 10 000 in restitut our investig found that the employe falsifi an applic for a covid 19 econom injuri disast loan eidl and he receiv a eidl loan advanc in the amount of 10 000 from the small busi…
  • an amtrak secretari base in pennsylvania violat compani polici by regular log into work remot then not show up to her worksit or arriv late leav earli or both our investig found that the employe log in remot 30 time on 18 day dure a one month period when her supervisor onli approv her to work remot on onli four of the 18 day therefor the employe was absent from her worksit without her supervisor…
  • a contractor agre to reimburs amtrak 771 813 for overbil base labor and overhead rate on contract that requir the use of actual labor and indirect cost rate the contractor voluntarili self report the overbil to our offic on juli 26 2022 after conduct intern audit relat to two prior oig investig on januari 30 2024 the contractor resolv these bill issu with amtrak cover overbil on 22 contract dure…
  • an amtrak lead servic attend base in miami florida resign from her posit on octob 20 2023 as a result of our investig we found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc
  • may 6 2024 washington the portal north bridg project is on budget and on schedul as of januari 2024 but amtrak has opportun to improv it support of new jersey transit the lead sponsor on the project and better overse it own interest and reduc risk to the project the amtrak offic of inspector general said in a report releas today nbsp the project is part of the 40 billion gateway program to upgrad…
  • april 22 2024 washington amtrak can better use the data it alreadi collect to improv the custom experi accord to a report from the amtrak offic of inspector general releas today nbsp the oig identifi three opportun most relat to communic for amtrak to use it custom feedback data to bolster it overal servic improv effort nbsp first the oig found that custom on delay train receiv communic about…
  • may 1 2024 new orlean a former amtrak employe plead guilti april 22 2024 in u s district court eastern district of louisiana to make fals statement to the railroad retir board nbsp tonya butler 55 of slidel made fals statement to the rrb for the purpos of obtain sick benefit but in truth she was work full time for an interst truck compani butler was paid about 7 345 52 an amtrak offic of…