contact inform titl name inspector general kevin h winter deputi inspector general mari l kendal assist inspector general for audit j j marzullo assist inspector general for investig georg l dorsett assist inspector general for mission support ross w weiland headquart phone 202 906 4600 fraud wast and abus hotlin 1 800 468 5469 congression amp public affair phone 202 906 4600 hotlin mail address…
our object was to assess the extent to which the compani is prepar to hire onboard and retain a suffici agreement workforc to execut it growth plan dure the audit we revis our scope and methodolog to identifi ani challeng in the human resourc depart that were contribut to delay and track issu in the hire process nbsp compani offici told us they reach their workforc goal in fy 2023 and they expect…
octob 31 2024 riversid calif two riversid counti women were arrest octob 24 2024 on a 23 count feder grand juri indict alleg they and two men defraud a covid 19 pandem relief program of more than 3 million by help other fraudul obtain covid busi loan in exchang for a cut of the illicit proceed nbsp vanessa m william 35 of corona and denis mata 34 of moreno valley were arrest and were later…
octob 31 2024 raileigh n c grotez simpson 25 of new york was sentenc to three year in prison follow by three year supervis releas on octob 24 2024 for make bomb threat aboard an amtrak train accord to the u s attorney s offic eastern district of north carolina nbsp accord to court document simpson text fake bomb threat to amtrak s txt a tip phone applic on may 25 and may 26 2022 while he was…