report option befor you begin it is import to understand the differ complaint type you can choos from open the accordion tab below for more inform on each complaint type standard complaint i am provid the oig my name and i agre that the amtrak oig can disclos my name and other inform i provid if necessari in order to ensur my issu are address confidenti complaint i wish to my complaint to be…
missionth human capit manag team provid a wide varieti of sensit critic servic and manag function aim at improv organiz perform and cultur to meet oig strateg busi need includ workforc plan perform manag employe recognit recruit staf and classif employe relat compens employe train and develop human resourc inform system and report click here to contact amtrak oig human capit team
missionth offic of counsel provid legal assist and advic to amtrak offic of inspector general oig senior manag and support audit special review and investig counsel coordin with outsid attorney includ local and feder agenc and law enforc attorney and appear in court on behalf of the oig and it employe
decemb 17 2024 nbsp washington amtrak s initi requir for premium design and amen for it plan procur of new long distanc train ad complex to an alreadi complex program and led to delay in the program s earli stage an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today said nbsp the report credit amtrak for establish a program manag framework for the program amtrak s singl largest equip acquisit…
our object was to assess the compani s manag and oversight of this program and to identifi ani risk to it success deliveri nbsp we found that the compani is in the process of identifi car builder for the first phase of the long distanc fleet replac program intend to replac equip on 9 of 15 long distanc rout the compani plan to use up to 7 billion it receiv through the 2021 infrastructur invest…
our object was to assess the extent to which the compani is prepar to hire onboard and retain a suffici agreement workforc to execut it growth plan dure the audit we revis our scope and methodolog to identifi ani challeng in the human resourc depart that were contribut to delay and track issu in the hire process nbsp compani offici told us they reach their workforc goal in fy 2023 and they expect…
the amtrak offic of inspector general oig strateg action plan for fiscal year 2024 2029 outlin the mission vision and valu organiz goal and action that guid and drive our organ as we accomplish with integr our mission to provid independ object and non partisan oversight of amtrak s program and oper through our audit and investig nbsp when the covid 19 pandem devast amtrak s ridership and revenu…
we are initi an audit of amtrak s the compani nation facil program nfp this program is intend to upgrad facil need to maintain three fleet of new passeng equip that the compani is procur the new acela airo and long distanc fleet our object will be to assess the compani s manag of the nfp and to identifi ani risk to achiev it goal we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit our…
mauric driver a former amtrak lead servic attend base in washington d c was sentenc in u s district court district of columbia on novemb 6 2024 for make fals statement he was sentenc to time serv and a crimin fine of 200 accord to court document driver was work as a lead servic attend in the café car on an amtrak train which depart from washington d c in the afternoon of januari 3 2024 and end in…
vision mission and authorityvisionth amtrak oig will oper as a model oig generat object and sophist product that add valu util modern infrastructur and effect support system and follow effici disciplin process that meet the standard of the account communiti our divers and talent team will work profession with but independ from amtrak manag missionto provid independ object oversight of amtrak s…