
  • an amtrak carman journeyman base in sanford florida resign from his posit on novemb 22 2024 prior to the complet of his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by misus militari leav on 38 differ occas our investig found that the former employe submit littl or no document to support his use of militari leav and we identifi onli four instanc when he did…
  • an amtrak engin base in raleigh north carolina receiv a written reprimand and a 40 day suspens without pay on octob 7 2024 our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by use the compani s trademark logo and a pictur of one of it locomot on the websit for his person busi
  • andr wilburn a resid of new york was sentenc in u s district court eastern district of new york on novemb 14 2024 to two year of imprison five year of probat and was order to pay restitut in the amount of 468 037 for his particip in an amtrak ticket fraud scheme wilburn and his co conspir use stolen credit card inform to make unauthor purchas of amtrak ticket and then cancel or exchang those…
  • akheem curri a former amtrak passeng engin who work aboard maryland area rail commut marc train was sentenc for second degre assault and fourth degre sex offens in maryland circuit court for baltimor citi on novemb 21 2024 on june 27 2024 a juri for the circuit court found curri guilti of assault in the second degre and sex offens in the fourth degre curri allow a femal passeng onto a marc train…
  • an amtrak custom servic repres base in west palm beach florida sign a civil settlement agreement on decemb 6 2024 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida the employe agre to pay 32 481 in restitut and a penalti of 1 500 relat to the fraudul receipt of a 42 900 econom injuri disast loan eidl our investig found that the employe appli for an eidl loan for econom loss result from…
  • an amtrak conductor base in miami florida was termin from employ on decemb 13 2024 follow an administr hear our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by fail to report two domest violenc relat crimin convict to the compani within 72 hour after convict as requir by compani polici the employe also violat compani polici by be dishonest with our agent dure his interview
  • an amtrak custom servic repres base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement on decemb 21 2024 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida the employe agre to pay 48 000 in restitut and penalti relat to the fraudul receipt of two pandem relat loan the employe appli for and receiv an econom injuri disast loan in the amount of 30 500 and a paycheck protect program loan in…
  • thank you for your interest in a reward career with the amtrak offic of inspector general collect our team provid independ oversight of amtrak s program and oper and work dilig to prevent and detect fraud wast and abus by amtrak employe contractor or vendor this work not onli help to improv the effici and effect of amtrak but it also inform decis make by amtrak s board of director amtrak manag…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst amp young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2024 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and on complianc and other matter becaus the compani receiv feder assist it must obtain an audit perform in accord with general accept govern audit…