
  • june 5 2024 nbsp washington an amtrak employe was arrest tuesday by amtrak offic of inspector general agent on a five count indict of lie to a feder agent accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic district of columbia nbsp mauric driver 35 of gloucest citi new jersey was work as a lead servic attend in the café car on an amtrak train travel between washington d c and chicago on…
  • execut order eo 14074 advanc effect account polic and crimin justic practic to enhanc public trust and public safeti section 10 c establish guidelin for feder law enforc agenc to follow regard no knock entri eo 14074 state that feder law enforc agenc must maintain record of ani no knock entri
  • we are initi a review of the hudson tunnel project a multibillion dollar effort to construct a new rail tunnel under the hudson river and rehabilit the exist north river tunnel this project is a key compon of the gateway program to upgrad and replac rail infrastructur between newark new jersey and new york citi the gateway develop commiss gdc a public and govern sponsor author creat by the state…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ public account firm of ernst amp young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of and for the fiscal year then end septemb 30 2023 and to provid a report on intern control over financi nbsp report and complianc with certain provis of law regul contract and nbsp grant agreement and other matter which they issu on decemb 20 2023 1 becaus nbsp the…
  • an amtrak custom servic repres base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement on april 16 2024 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida the employe agre to pay a total of 25 400 to the small busi administr sba which includ damag fee and a fine our investig found that the employe submit a paycheck protect program ppp loan applic to the sba that includ fals statement and…
  • june 28 2024 nbsp newark n j ten current and former amtrak employe were charg with conspiraci to commit health care fraud for alleg particip in a scheme in which health care provid bilk amtrak s health care plan of more than 11 million and a medic biller who particip in the scheme plead guilti accord to the u s attorney s offic district of new jersey nbsp the current and former employe were each…
  • an amtrak electr journeyman base in miami florida resign from his posit on april 19 2024 as a result of our investig we found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to disclos a feloni crimin convict on his background investig questionnair when he was hire in 2014 in addit he violat compani polici by fail to notifi the compani of his pend deport order that result from his arrest…
  • an amtrak lead servic attend base in miami florida enter into a forbear and workout agreement on may 22 2024 with the small busi administr sba and agre to a payment schedul to satisfi his settlement and restitut amount the employe agre to pay a total of 124 631 includ fine fee and interest the employe appli for and receiv an sba back econom injuri disast loan eidl for econom loss result from the…
  • michael holder an amtrak assign clerk base in chicago illinoi plead guilti on june 5 2024 in u s district court northern district of indiana to two count of wire fraud relat to the fraudul receipt of benefit under the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act our investig found that holder provid fals and fictiti inform to support an econom injuri disast loan applic to the small busi administr…
  • an amtrak foreman base in chicago illinoi was termin from employ on june 25 2024 follow an administr hear our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by fals report in the compani s work manag system that requir safeti inspect had been complet for the stair on three ventur car in chicago as a result these car which should have been taken out of servic were put into servic the follow…