our object was to assess whether the critic data and assumpt that have a materi impact on the equip and financi resourc estim contain in the fleet strategi were reason and valid
the object of this audit were to 1 determin whether metro north commut railroad compli with oper agreement in calcul on time perform incent invoic to amtrak from octob 2001 through decemb 2004 and 2 evalu the adequaci of amtrak control and process for review on time perform incent invoic
our audit object were to determin whether 1 the data were current accur and complet 2 the contractor s intern control were adequ to the extent that they affect the price propos and 3 the contractor s estim system was appli in a reason manner
the object of this audit was to determin whether strateg asset manag sam program s implement approach effect address busi disrupt risk
the object of this audit was to review american recoveri and reinvest fund polic and secur project to determin the extent to which plan secur improv were achiev
vision mission and authorityvisionth amtrak oig will oper as a model oig generat object and sophist product that add valu util modern infrastructur and effect support system and follow effici disciplin process that meet the standard of the account communiti our divers and talent team will work profession with but independ from amtrak manag missionto provid independ object oversight of amtrak s…
missionth offic of counsel provid legal assist and advic to amtrak offic of inspector general oig senior manag and support audit special review and investig counsel coordin with outsid attorney includ local and feder agenc and law enforc attorney and appear in court on behalf of the oig and it employe