
  • we have review the system of intern safeguard and manag procedur for the investig oper of the offic of inspector general oig for amtrak in effect for the period end march 31 2024 our review was conduct in conform with the qualiti standard for investig and the qualit assess review guidelin for investig oper of feder oig establish by the council of the inspector general on integr and effici cigi…
  • septemb 26 2024 newark n j a new york acupuncturist was sentenc tuesday to 34 month in prison for particip in a 9 million health care fraud scheme to defraud amtrak accord to the u s attorney s offic district of new jersey nbsp punson figueroa aka susi 58 of long island citi new york was also sentenc to 3 year supervis releas and was order to pay restitut of 9 05 million nbsp accord to court…
  • our object was to assess the compani s manag and oversight of the frederick douglass tunnel program nbsp we found that the compani is develop it manag structur for the fdt program but initi did not have an effect structur or suffici staff in place in decemb 2022 the compani decid to hire a contractor a deliveri partner to provid manag and oversight but until it onboard the contractor more than a…
  • octob 1 2024 washington amtrak has not complet all necessari plan for the frederick douglass tunnel fdt program despit the approach of major construct increas the risk of cost overrun and schedul delay an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today found nbsp the estim 6 billion fdt program is the singl largest infrastructur effort that amtrak is lead with construct schedul to start…
  • an amtrak train attend base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement on may 13 2024 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida the employe was order to pay 10 000 in restitut and a 5 000 penalti our investig found that the employe submit a fals claim for an econom injuri disast loan eidl advanc of 10 000 we interview the employe and he admit to receiv the eidl advanc for…
  • an amtrak train attend base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement on septemb 2 2024 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida the employe was order to pay 10 000 in restitut and a 2 500 penalti our investig found that the employe submit a fals claim for an econom injuri disast loan eidl advanc of 10 000 for an alleg agricultur busi which oper out of his home we…
  • an amtrak carman base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement on septemb 3 2024 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida the employe was order to pay 10 717 in restitut and a 1 883 penalti our investig found that the employe falsifi applic for two pandem relief loan the first loan was an econom injuri disast loan eidl in the amount of 19 500 the loan was for an alleg…
  • an amtrak mechan foreman base in miami florida sign a civil settlement agreement on septemb 10 2024 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of florida the employe agre to pay 6 000 in restitut and a penalti of 2 325 relat to the fraudul applic for an econom injuri disast loan eidl advanc our investig found that the employe appli for an eidl advanc for an alleg transport busi we interview…
  • william leonard and kevin leonard both california resid plead guilti on may 15 2024 in u s district court southern district of california to conspiraci and health care fraud charg william and kevin leonard were patient broker who unlaw broker patient to clinic treatment facil own and oper by paragon recoveri llc in exchang william and kevin leonard receiv kickback payment the scheme result in the…
  • nbsp octob 14 2024 los angel the current imprison founder and chief execut offic of a california base compani that market stem cell base product link to multipl hospit was sentenc septemb 30 2024 to 36 month in prison consecut to his current prison sentenc follow his convict under the feder food drug and cosmet act accord to the u s attorney s offic central district of california nbsp john…