our objectives were to determine whether open purchase orders (pos) for r&r parts are closed on a timely basis and if internal controls for the r&r process including warranty repairs are effective.
there have been numerous claims made about the relative financial performance of european passenger train operations and the amount of public funding they require to remain operationally viable. this review examines the public subsidies that have been provided for european passenger train operations and then compares these funding levels to that of amtrak.
originally, we planned to evaluate amtrak’s strategic planning process and the 2009 planning documents by comparing and contrasting the process and plans to “best practices” in strategic planning. we had completed an extensive review of current models and practices in strategic planning when we learned that amtrak management was convening an executive leadership group “...to create the future…
our audit objective was to determine the accuracy and acceptability of costs invoiced by the contractor.
amtrak awarded two cost reimbursable plus fee contracts up to a combined guaranteed maximum price of over $11 million to perform work related to track replacement and related improvements. our audit objective was to determine the accuracy and acceptability of costs invoiced by the contractor.