for immedi releas april 20 2020 washington amtrak s offic of inspector general in a new report releas friday identifi gap in amtrak s procur practic that result in up to 9 9 million in fund that could have been better use if the compani had identifi lower cost supplier for the same materi and negoti better term on it purchas nbsp while the compani has taken step to get better price the oig found…
an amtrak electrician in chicago illinoi resign from employ on april 14 2020 follow our investig which reveal the employe violat compani polici by establish a busi and use it to engag in fraudul credit card scheme for person gain dure a portion of his continu fmla leav the employe admit that he use the proceed from his busi relat fraud scheme to travel and parti further he was initi dishonest…
a senior director in washington d c was termin from employ on april 14 2020 follow the issuanc of our investig report to the compani our investig found that the employe violat compani polici when she particip on a technic evalu committe involv in the rate and select of her friend s compani to conduct work for amtrak in addit we found that the employe accept a gift from this vendor
a manag violat compani polici by repeat direct compani employe to provid a delux bedroom free of charg to a passeng result in a potenti financi loss to the compani of 11 512 on april 8 2020 a counsel letter was issu to the manag and includ a requir that he attend cours in ethic in the workplac and workplac harass
the 2 5 billion acela 21 program is the largest singl invest in amtrak s the compani 49 year histori through this program the compani will replac it exist acela fleet with 28 new high speed trainset to upgrad servic on it most profit busi line in januari 2020 we report on manag and structur weak in the acela 21 program nbsp our report identifi five key step common call program element the compani…
a communic and signal employe violat amtrak polici by repeat disabl the dash cam system design to monitor and record incid of unsaf drive in his compani assign vehicl includ on decemb 1 2019 when he was involv in an accid while oper this vehicl dure the oig investig the employe deni that he tamper with disconnect or reconnect his vehicl s dash cam system the evid howev demonstr that he manual…
the offic of inspector general oig conduct an audit of amtrak s the compani effort to manag it mobil devic and protect the compani data from cybersecur compromis our audit object was to assess the extent to which the compani is accur account for and secur mobil devic
one amtrak electrician in beech grove indiana resign from his posit on may 4 2020 and a second was termin from employ on may 11 2020 follow his administr hear our investig found that both employe enter a suppli area without author and stole compani materi both employe admit to the unauthor entri and to steal glove and batteri
a carman welder in beech grove indiana was termin from employ on may 19 2020 follow an administr hear for violat compani polici our investig found that the employe fail to disclos his crimin convict occur prior to his employ on his initi applic and dure his employ and he also fail to disclos multipl drug and or alcohol relat arrest onc employ addit the employe inappropri use or remain on sick…
i am pleas to submit the amtrak offic of inspector general semiannu report to the unit state congress for the six month end march 31 2020 we are submit this report at a time when amtrak is face unpreced challeng as a result of the coronavirus pandem ridership has drop to histor low revenu loss are mount and servic across the countri has been reduc or cancel while the countri adjust to this nation…