
  • septemb 27 2023 new orlean a houston woman and former amtrak employe was charg august 18 2023 with make fals statement relat to her applic for pandem relief fund accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana nbsp bria peter 38 alleg made fals statement to fraudul obtain a paycheck protect program loan a program establish under the coronavirus aid relief and…
  • septemb 27 2023 nbsp new orlean a former amtrak employe plead guilti juli 24 2023 to make fals statement relat to her applic for pandem relief fund accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana nbsp brandi weber 28 former of new orlean made fals statement on or about april 2 2021 when appli for a paycheck protect program loan accord to a press releas from…
  • an amtrak custom servic repres base in hammond louisiana sign a civil settlement agreement on june 20 2023 with the u s attorney s offic southern district of mississippi and agre to pay 18 182 in restitut and a 4 500 penalti for a total civil settlement amount of 22 682 our investig found that the employe submit a fraudul applic to obtain a paycheck protect program ppp loan we found that the…
  • ronald andruloni a former amtrak junior tamper plead guilti in u s district court district of columbia to a misdemeanor charg of enter and remain in a restrict build or ground the plea stem from his arrest on march 2 2023 for charg involv his particip in the event insid the unit state capitol build on januari 6 2021 nbsp incid to his arrest on march 2 2023 andruloni was found transport a firearm…
  • our object was to reassess the compani s manag and oversight of new acela includ the trainset acquisit and other program element necessari to launch revenu servic sinc we last report on the program in 2020 nbsp we found that despit recent improv to the new acela program s manag the program is more than three year behind schedul and addit delay are like current delay have result in signific cost…
  • octob 2 2023 nbsp washington amtrak s new acela program will like face futur delay and cost increas becaus the vendor s trainset design have not yet met feder safeti requir and each of the trainset the vendor has produc has defect that the vendor is requir to fix or modifi befor the compani launch revenu servic accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today while the report…
  • octob 11 2023 new orlean the spous of a former amtrak employe plead guilti septemb 12 2023 to a two count bill of inform charg her with make fals statement and theft of govern fund relat to the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act nbsp accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana temika santemor made fals statement to the small busi administr to…
  • an amtrak conductor base in washington d c violat compani polici by fail to report an august 5 2019 drive while intox dwi convict he incur dure his employ amtrak remov the employe from servic pend his disciplinari hear the employe agre to a waiver in lieu of termin on june 9 2023 admit to the charg and was assess a time serv suspens after remain out of servic for six week
  • we are initi an audit of amtrak s the compani long distanc fleet replac program this multibillion dollar procur to replac approxim 800 railcar over 40 percent of the passeng car fleet will be among the largest in the compani s histori the compani plan to fund this procur with grant fund avail through the infrastructur invest and job act nbsp our object will be to assess the compani s earli manag…
  • we are initi a review of the frederick douglass tunnel fdt program a 6 billion invest to replac the exist baltimor and potomac tunnel our object will be to assess amtrak s the compani manag and oversight of the fdt program includ it effort to identifi and mitig major cost schedul and perform risk if ani we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the review our work will includ but not be…