
  • five ticket account clerk base in massachusett violat compani polici by use their smart id badg to fraudul swipe one anoth in and or out of amtrak s time and attend machin four employe admit to the violat dure their interview with our agent and we found a fifth employe also violat compani polici by help these employe engag in this misconduct the five employe resign in lieu of their disciplinari…
  • we are initi a review of amtrak s the compani process for approv and manag leav taken under the famili and medic leav act fmla our object will be to assess the extent to which the compani is effect manag fmla leav we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the review dure the review we plan to interview compani offici respons for approv and monitor fmla leav analyz relev document and data…
  • we are initi a review of amtrak s the compani trespass and vehicl strike our object will be to assess the compani s effort to reduc the risk of trespass nbsp and vehicl strike and to identifi challeng or opportun for improv we nbsp may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the review dure the review nbsp we plan to interview compani offici assess relat polici document and nbsp procedur…
  • the amtrak offic of inspector general oig strateg action plan for fiscal year 2024 2029 outlin the mission vison and valu organiz goal and action that guid and drive our organ as we accomplish with integr our mission to provid independ object and non partisan oversight of amtrak s program and oper through our audit and investig when the covid 19 pandem devast amtrak s ridership and revenu the…
  • novemb 30 2023 nbsp new orlean a houston woman and former amtrak employe plead guilti octob 18 2023 to a one count bill of inform for make fals statement relat to the coronavirus aid relief and econom secur act nbsp accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic eastern district of louisiana bria peter 38 made fals statement to obtain a paycheck protect program loan peter claim she own a…
  • i am pleas to submit the amtrak offic of inspector general oig semiannu report to the unit state congress for the six month end septemb 30 2023 which summar our independ and object review and investig relat to amtrak s program and oper nbsp the follow report provid a complet review of our oversight work dure the report period over the next six month we are commit to provid oversight on high…
  • a lead servic attend base at new york penn station violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ at two temporari employ agenc and an assist live facil in delawar while on medic leav and receiv railroad retir board benefit the employe resign prior to her disciplinari hear and is inelig for rehir
  • a senior manag offici base in philadelphia was termin from employ for violat compani polici by not disclos two relationship he had with employe of a contractor when the former employe particip in a procur with the contractor our investig found that the former employe had a close friend and a famili member that work for the contractor but the former employe did not disclos either relationship on…
  • an amtrak coach cleaner base in miami florida was termin from employ on octob 5 2023 follow her administr hear our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc
  • edel perez acanda a resid of miami florida was sentenc on octob 16 2023 in u s district court southern district of florida for theft of govern fund perez acanda was sentenc to 2 month in prison 3 year probat and was order to pay 81 114 in restitut to amtrak perez acanda was employ by a compani contract by amtrak to provid food servic our investig found that co defend bryan decastro fraudul alter…