a former machinist base in albani renssela new york violat compani polici by view pornograph video dure work hour on his compani own comput the video were store and access on a usb devic he admit to view the video and resign on june 18 2020 follow his interview by offic of inspector general special agent the former employe is not elig for rehir
we are initi an audit of amtrak s process for manag cost share on state support rout our object will be to evalu the compani s action to address longstand concern with the priia 209 cost share methodolog and the compani s bill process with it state partner we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit nbsp dure the audit we plan to analyz document invoic and agreement relat to state…
in januari of this year we present our audit plan for calendar year 2020 in march the covid 19 pandem took hold creat a seri of unpreced challeng for the countri and for amtrak the compani as a core public transport provid sinc then the compani s ridership has decreas by about 95 percent and the compani has taken signific action in respons to includ step to maintain it financi solvenc in light of…
we are initi an audit of the compani s process for determin it inform technolog it requir to meet it busi need our object will be to assess how the compani s depart identifi their it need and collabor with the it depart to priorit and meet them dure the audit we plan to interview compani personnel analyz compani document and data and assess relev process we will also evalu whether depart clear…
a former carman welder in beech grove indiana plead guilti in unit state district court southern district of indiana to theft of properti on juli 17 2020 the former employe was sentenc to one year probat a 4 000 fine and order to pay 56 297 in restitut to amtrak our investig found the employe stole power tool and scrap metal from the compani and sold it for his person gain the employe previous…
a supervisor and foreman in chicago illinoi were termin from employ on june 11 2020 and issu a written reprimand on june 18 2020 respect for violat compani polici specif our investig found that the supervisor violat compani polici by drive a compani own vehicl for person use and oper the vehicl in excess of 90 mph while use a cellular telephon without a hand free devic in addit the supervisor…
five individu who work for empir care dental at various california locat includ one dentist one dental hygienist and three offic manag plead guilti to health insur fraud and to practic dentistri without a licens our investig disclos that repres of empir care dental offer 50 100 payment to amtrak employe if they use their servic in addit our investig found that empir care dental submit fals claim…
john mckoy previous plead guilti in u s district court eastern district of pennsylvania on june 14 2019 to multipl health care fraud charg relat to a scheme to defraud amtrak s health care plan mckoy was the owner and oper of sever neighborhood health care facil includ mt pleasant medic manag inc and harri medic manag inc between novemb 2004 and octob 2007 mckoy submit and caus to be submit hundr…
the object for this manag advisori report was to monitor and assess how the compani is use care act fund and the control it has in place to accur account for and report on them nbsp the compani experienc a sharp drop in ridership and passeng revenu in march 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandem the compani s respons includ aggress cost cut action such as cancel some of it train servic and…
for immedi releas august 7 2020 nbsp palm beach counti fla a florida doctor was charg with conspir to commit health care fraud and wire fraud on juli 31 2020 for alleg particip in a year long scheme in which patient seek care for drug and or alcohol addict were fraudul bill for test and treatment nbsp accord to court document michael j ligotti d o 46 of delray beach own and oper a privat medic…