for immedi releas septemb 16 2020 nbsp washington amtrak has built a more disciplin process to plan and coordin major track outag but more step could be taken to reduc servic disrupt and maxim the amount of time it has access to track amtrak s offic of inspector general found in a report releas today nbsp accord to the report these addit step includ institution multi year plan updat plan tool and…
a mechan inspector base in beech grove indiana violat amtrak polici by post imag and materi character as disturb offens and inappropri on a public avail social media site the former employe admit to post imag which promot nazi ideolog on a social media websit which identifi him as a compani employe we also found that he was arrest in novemb 2016 for drive under the influenc and did not report his…
an amtrak electrician with the mechan depart was suspend from employ on june 13 2018 for violat compani polici the employe was initi termin howev a public law board reduc the penalti of termin to a suspens and reinstat the employe without backpay
for immedi releas septemb 29 2020 nbsp santa ana calif a san gabriel valley man was sentenc today to 34 month in feder prison august 26 2020 for submit more than 62 million in fraudul claim to tricar the militari s health insur plan and other health care plan for bogus compound medic prescript nbsp accord to court document jame chen 51 of monterey park was sentenc by unit state district judg…
a boilermak welder base in beech grove indiana violat amtrak polici by engag in outsid employ to work for his own compani while on sick leav we also confirm that he was conduct and engag in work for his own compani on day that he request leav for union busi final our investig found that he did not seek or request written approv from amtrak to engag in outsid employ which accord to the websit for…
babar iqbal a california base doctor and owner of riversid region surgeri center was sentenc in the superior court of california counti of riversid on august 31 2020 to 27 month in prison and was order to pay restitut of 2 799 550 for health care insur fraud iqbal target patient whose insur paid higher reimburs amount to provid who were consid out of network and he perform servic that were medic…
for immedi releas septemb 30 2020 nbsp detroit a milan man was sentenc to 72 month in feder prison on septemb 25 2020 after an amtrak offic of inspector general investig uncov his role in a massiv ticket fraud scheme respons for bilk amtrak of more than 540 000 nbsp christian newbi 32 was sentenc in u s district court eastern district of michigan for charg of wire fraud aggrav ident theft and…
the object for this report was to assess the extent to which the compani has taken step to determin employe current perspect on safeti we issu this report to provid our find on a potenti issu the compani could address in the near term nbsp we found that the compani has not establish a baselin measur of it own safeti cultur which is necessari to track it progress in improv it safeti cultur as a…
for immedi releas octob 12 2020 nbsp washington amtrak has acknowledg longstand challeng with it safeti cultur but doe not know the extent of these challeng becaus the compani has not establish a baselin of it employe valu attitud and percept on safeti and safeti initi the amtrak offic of inspector general found in a report releas octob 2 2020 nbsp accord to the report establish a cultur baselin…
for immedi releas septemb 30 2020 nbsp portland ore a springfield woman who own sever durabl medic equip store in oregon was sentenc to feder prison for defraud six health insur plan of approxim 1 3 million and for evad 99 000 in feder incom tax announc u s attorney billi j william septemb 2 2020 nbsp after plead guilti to the charg in novemb 2019 saffron gustafson 43 was sentenc to 21 month in…