we are initi an audit of amtrak s unifi oper center program a multidisciplinari effort to transform a newli purchas build in wilmington delawar into the compani s new oper center our object will be to assess the compani s manag and oversight of the program and the extent to which it has identifi and mitig risk we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the audit nbsp as we start this audit…
irena shut a medic market base in los angel california was sentenc in unit state district court central district of california on octob 5 2020 to two year probat for conspiraci to commit health care fraud our investig found that shut was paid commiss for facilit the referr of prescript for medic unnecessari compound drug and other item reimburs by health care benefit program as a result of the…
ryan taylor minter of calumet citi illinoi was sentenc in unit state district court central district of illinoi on octob 6 2020 to 18 month in prison one year probat and was order to pay restitut of 15 938 for wire fraud charg our investig found that minter particip in a scheme to defraud amtrak and other by use stolen credit card inform from at least 216 differ credit or debit card to purchas…
we are initi an audit to assess the compani s strategi for downsiz it manag workforc our object will be to assess the effect of the compani s effort to ensur it has the skill manag workforc it need to recov from and rebuild after the covid 19 pandem we may modifi our scope or object dure the audit nbsp throughout our audit we plan to interview compani offici respons for and affect by the downsiz…
this report present our observ from recent and ongo administr and crimin investig involv fraud wast and abus in the famili medic leav act fmla program at amtrak the compani and our analysi of the compani s fmla data our investig identifi certain pattern of abus by employe and our analysi of the compani s fmla data indic that certain locat station crew base and other facil may be at greater risk…
this report identifi our view of the top manag and perform challeng face the compani this year the challeng of respond to the covid 19 pandem supersed and permeat the compani s abil to address all other challeng we believ the compani will need to account for and adapt to these challeng and develop a strategi to posit itself to becom a transport mode of choic in what appear to be a rapid evolv…
for immedi releas octob 27 2020 nbsp washington amtrak s abil to adapt it strateg vision after suffer histor drop in revenu and ridership due to the coronavirus pandem is one of the greatest manag challeng it has face in it 49 year histori accord to a new report from amtrak s offic of inspector general nbsp the biennial work which look at amtrak s top manag and perform challeng said that the…
our object for this report were to assess 1 the extent to which the compani s employe who perform safeti relat work are at risk for prescript opioid impair and misus and 2 the compani s effort to detect and deter this risk after examin de identifi prescript and medic claim data from fiscal year 2019 for 11 356 employe who perform safeti relat work we found that some employe are potenti at risk…
for immedi releas octob 29 2020 nbsp washington amtrak could strengthen it abil to detect and deter prescript opioid misus among employe conduct safeti relat work by expand it random drug test program accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general report releas today nbsp the oig analyz de identifi prescript and medic claim from fiscal year 2019 for 11 356 employe who perform safeti relat work…
an amtrak coach cleaner in chicago illinoi was termin from employ on octob 14 2020 follow her administr hear the former employe particip in a medic fraud scheme in violat of compani polici our investig found that the former employe provid a chiropractor base in dolton illinoi with her medic and person identifi inform and that of her depend in exchang for cash kickback the chiropractor use the…