it was alleg that redact falsifi amtrak train record regard amt 2 train for senior member of amtrak s engin depart
amtrak employe are receiv duplic pay becaus of a key error in the maximo payrol system which pay amtrak engin depart employe
manag respond in a time fashion to oi s referr of march 3 2009 and act affirm on all the recommend referenc in said referr accord to said respons a total of 4900 will be collect from the owner of privat car redact and redact addit manag audit all privat car account and as a result of said audit correct bill worksheet were complet and sent to the amtrak financ depart in chicago for collet
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv an alleg from amtrak radio mainten redact concern the unauthor use of amtrak s motorola sale account number redact redact report that amtrak train engin redact use the amtrak account to obtain radio softwar for an astro 25 radio which is not an amtrak assign radio
on june 11 2008 the oig oi conduct an investig to determin if the amtrak station in albani ny had been out of complianc with amtrak s station servic account procedur as a result of sever interview with amtrak employe it determin that there were defici which contribut to the loss of revenu and unauthor number of duplex issu to conductor
on februari 20 2007 the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv an alleg from a confidenti sourc cs the sourc state that redact had a 272 55 expenditur on an amtrak purchas card p card the expenditur was made on januari 7 2007
on august 27 2008 the ra and senior special agent redact receiv from redact union station washington d c an open box she recov from the baggag area on the lower level of the station contain in the box which had been sit on a wooden skid in the baggag area were numer book of conductor ticket
oi receiv inform from the oig offic of audit oa alleg that sever manag and employe at the amtrak redact mainten facil redact in redact made misrepresent to oa regard the accur and proper captur of cost for car in redact dure fy 2007
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv an alleg concern the counterfeit of amtrak guest reward agr coupon the complaint allag that the counterfeit agr coupon were be sold on ebay and then were redeem for amtrak travel
dure lead servic attend lsa packet review by the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi it was determin that packet belong to redact former lsa had contain under report sale amount the packet had been process by the train provis manag system tpms clerk who had previous been implic in activ design to retain amtrak fund for person gain