
  • our object for this report was to assess the compani s effort to address challeng in recruit and retain skill engin manag as it recov from the pandem and build for the futur nbsp we found that the compani is fulli awar of the difficulti of recruit and retain skill engin manag in today s labor market and has taken step to address them these step includ establish meaning pay differ between manag…
  • for immedi releas juli 14 2022 nbsp newark n j a manag of a delta gas station in metuchen plead guilti on tuesday to make approxim 78 000 in fraudul fuel charg use account inform belong to more than 17 custom includ amtrak nbsp accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic district of new jersey umer hassan mir 40 of south amboy caus numer fraudul fuel charg to be enter on general servic…
  • juli 14 2022 nbsp washington amtrak has opportun to improv recruit and retent of skill engin who may manag infrastructur project fund by the infrastructur invest and job act and better keep pace and compet with the extern labor market a report from amtrak s offic of inspector general releas today found nbsp accord to the report amtrak recogn the challeng associ with recruit and retain skill engin…
  • an amtrak red cap baggageman base in chicago was termin from employ on juli 21 2022 follow his administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by fail to remit parcel check revenu for cash pay custom on 22 occas between march 18 and march 26 2022 and kept the cash for himself instead we also found that he falsifi a parcel check form in order to remit onli half of…
  • an amtrak lead servic train attend base in new orlean louisiana resign from her posit on juli 18 2022 prior to her administr hear our investig found that the former employe violat compani polici by engag in outsid employ while on a medic leav of absenc dure an interview with our agent the former employe admit she had been employ as a full time contract driver for a truck compani while on medic…
  • a former amtrak train attend base in new orlean louisiana was sentenc in the eastern district of louisiana on juli 25 2022 to three year probat and 12 month home confin for theft of govern fund and make fals statement in addit he was order to pay restitut of 64 874 64 to the u s small busi administr sba and 22 725 to the louisiana workforc commiss our investig found that the former employe made…
  • on decemb 21 2021 we initi a review of challeng associ with host railroad provid dispatch prefer to amtrak train our overal object were to identifi the extent to which host railroad violat amtrak s right to prefer over freight transport if at all and the challeng with give amtrak train prefer nbsp in our initi work we interview compani offici analyz compani delay and on time perform data and…
  • an amtrak oper supervisor base in miami resign from the compani on may 31 2022 after he fail to respond to compani letter advis him to report as avail for duti prior to his resign we conduct an investig and found that he violat compani polici by engag in self employ as an independ realtor while on a medic leav of absenc and while receiv short term disabl benefit the compani issu the employe a…
  • an amtrak conductor base in sanford florida was suspend from his posit without pay in lieu of termin on juli 15 2022 follow his administr hear the employe was held out of servic without pay for a total of 68 day from may 26 2022 through august 1 2022 our investig found that the employe violat compani polici by attempt to sell high secur switch key and other assort railroad key on facebook…
  • earl kendrick jr a resid of rosevill michigan was sentenc on august 3 2022 in the u s district court for the eastern district of michigan to 30 month in prison and order to pay 49 332 in restitut of which 870 is payabl to amtrak on april 19 2022 he plead guilti to wire fraud and make a fals statement involv the acquisit of a firearm kendrick was sentenc to 30 month in prison for each charg to be…