
  • a former road mechan base in provid rhode island resign from employ in march 2019 dure the cours of our investig which reveal the employe violat compani polici by leav his work site to engag in outsid employ as a tow truck oper dure his amtrak work shift from juli 2017 until decemb 2018 although the employe resign he continu to seek re employ with amtrak on octob 6 2019 amtrak design him as…
  • for immedi releas octob 21 2019 nbsp los angel an acupuncturist plead guilti to charg of health care fraud and money launder on oct 11 2019 after defraud amtrak s health care plan for approxim 3 8 million in acupunctur treatment and other servic that were either medic unnecessari or never provid nbsp accord to a press releas from the u s attorney s offic central district of california guiqiong…
  • on januari 30 2018 an amtrak supervisor was dismiss after an administr hear found that he violat compani polici by accept gift and gratuiti from bayway lumber bayway a former amtrak approv vendor base in linden new jersey
  • our audit object were to assess whether key contract provis aim at mitig legal and financi risk were includ in high valu high risk activ contract and to assess the compani s contract record keep practic to identifi opportun if ani for improv we have redact the sensit data from the report our work show that all 20 of the high valu high risk compani contract we review contain key contract provis…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ certifi public account firm of ernst young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of septemb 30 2017 and for the year then end and to provid a report on intern control over financi report and on complianc and other matter becaus the compani receiv feder assist it must obtain an audit perform in accord with general accept govern audit standard…
  • we found that the compani appear to be identifi onli a small portion of potenti fraudul medic claim made by individu medic servic provid our work indic that 14 percent of claim submit by physician nurs physic therapist and other individu provid from 2013 to 2015 were potenti fraudul which is signific higher than the 1 percent of claim identifi by the compani s primari claim administr addit we…
  • on octob 10 2017 a train attend in miami florida was termin from employ for a violat of compani polici our investig determin that the employe use amtrak train to ship person packag without pay the proper ship fee in violat of the compani s standard of excel and servic standard for train servic on board servic employe
  • on januari 18 2018 a former amtrak custom servic repres in indianapoli indiana plead guilti to one misdemeanor count of theft of govern fund in violat of 18 u s c 641 our investig determin that the former employe falsifi her applic for food stamp benefit while employ by amtrak the unit state district court for the northern district of illinoi order her to pay 69 091 in restitut to the u s depart…
  • we initi an investig after receiv an alleg that employe at chicago union station wrong kept approxim 1 700 in cash that was turn in to the ticket counter to be process as lost and found
  • a former amtrak superintend of transport at chicago union station benjamin sheet was sentenc on februari 27 2018 in the feder district court of northern illinoi after plead guilti to make fals statement to our agent in violat of 18 u s c 1001 a 1