
  • philadelphia the owner of a bridg paint compani and the project manag of anoth and their corpor were charg by a feder grand juri april 3 2018 with conspiraci to commit wire fraud wire fraud and make fals statement in an alleg scheme that violat requir for the u s depart of transport s disadvantag busi enterpris program and involv construct project at amtrak s 30th street station in philadelphia…
  • four ticket agent resign in februari and march 2018 prior to their administr hear for steal money from their cash drawer at amtrak s los angel union station our investig determin that three of the employe would wait until train conductor electron scan passeng ticket and would then reset the ticket s status as if it had not been scan at all
  • two custom servic repres were termin from employ on march 20 2018 and march 21 2018 in joliet illinoi and omaha nebraska and two other are face disciplinari action for the unauthor releas of passeng inform our investig determin the employe violat compani polici when they access compani comput system to provid confidenti passeng inform to a law enforc agenc without prior approv from the compani
  • west palm beach fla an owner of sever shell compani purport to be laboratori market compani and two employe plead guilti to their role in a health care fraud scheme in feder court recent sinc 2014 special agent from amtrak s offic of inspector general have been support the fbi led greater palm beach health care fraud task forc in it ongo investig into a seri of complex insur and health care fraud…
  • west palm beach fla the owner of sever now defunct sober home was sentenc to more than 5 year in prison and order to pay over 2 million in restitut recent for his role in a health care fraud conspiraci sinc 2014 special agent from amtrak s offic of inspector general have been support the fbi led greater palm beach health care fraud task forc in it ongo investig into a seri of complex insur and…
  • philadelphia a former amtrak employe was charg with one count of feder program briberi in u s district court last week accord to court document the employe alleg award sever contract worth more than 7 6 million to a small manufactur firm in exchang for approxim 20 000 in bribe trip and other item of valu if convict the former employe could face a maximum punish of 10 year in prison a 250 000 fine…
  • our audit object were 1 to assess opportun for the mechan depart to reduc cost by right size it compon workforc and 2 to identifi potenti cost save associ with open it compon rebuild workload to competit our work indic that two of three mainten facil have excess compon rebuild employe and that the compani has not fulli consid the extent to which it could achiev addit save by competit bid some of…
  • philadelphia a former amtrak employe plead guilti to one count of feder program briberi april 19 2018 in u s district court accord to court document timothi miller a former lead contract administr with amtrak respons for procur equip and servic and manag the account for diesel and locomot seat cushion vendor steer four fleet mainten contract worth more than 7 6 million to a singl vendor in…
  • what we look at our audit object was to assess the compani s effort to enhanc the physic secur of 30th street station and penn coach yard what we found we identifi sever longstand secur weak in philadelphia s 30th street station and penn coach yard that have remain unaddress these includ the inabl to secur the station s exterior and interior station door poor control over badg inadequ fenc and…
  • three employe were termin from employ on april 25 2018 for violat compani polici by use improp obtain park pass to avoid pay park fee at chicago union station and for not fulli cooper with oig agent