
  • philadelphia a former amtrak employe was charg with one count of feder program briberi in u s district court last week accord to court document the employe alleg award sever contract worth more than 7 6 million to a small manufactur firm in exchang for approxim 20 000 in bribe trip and other item of valu if convict the former employe could face a maximum punish of 10 year in prison a 250 000 fine…
  • our audit object were 1 to assess opportun for the mechan depart to reduc cost by right size it compon workforc and 2 to identifi potenti cost save associ with open it compon rebuild workload to competit our work indic that two of three mainten facil have excess compon rebuild employe and that the compani has not fulli consid the extent to which it could achiev addit save by competit bid some of…
  • philadelphia a former amtrak employe plead guilti to one count of feder program briberi april 19 2018 in u s district court accord to court document timothi miller a former lead contract administr with amtrak respons for procur equip and servic and manag the account for diesel and locomot seat cushion vendor steer four fleet mainten contract worth more than 7 6 million to a singl vendor in…
  • what we look at our audit object was to assess the compani s effort to enhanc the physic secur of 30th street station and penn coach yard what we found we identifi sever longstand secur weak in philadelphia s 30th street station and penn coach yard that have remain unaddress these includ the inabl to secur the station s exterior and interior station door poor control over badg inadequ fenc and…
  • three employe were termin from employ on april 25 2018 for violat compani polici by use improp obtain park pass to avoid pay park fee at chicago union station and for not fulli cooper with oig agent
  • i am pleas to submit our latest semiannu report to the unit state congress this report highlight the activ of our offic for the six month end march 31 2018 pursuant to the inspector general act of 1978 as amend dure this period our offic continu to pursu our vision of oper as a model oig by independ generat object sophist and time product that address high risk and high impact area among the…
  • we are initi a project to updat our march 2017 report amtrak top manag and perform challeng fiscal year 2017 and 2018 1 this report summar our assess of the top challeng face the compani and the compani s progress in address them we plan to identifi the current manag challeng face the compani and assess the compani s effort to address them as part of this work we will consid new issu identifi…
  • west palm beach fla two substanc abus treatment center owner were sentenc to prison for their particip in a multimillion dollar health care fraud and money launder scheme accord to a press releas from the unit state attorney s offic southern district of florida tovah l jasperson 48 of wellington was sentenc to 78 month in prison to be follow by 3 year of supervis releas alan m bostom 75 of…
  • absg consult inc has agre to pay the unit state 650 000 to resolv an alleg that it know submit fals claim to amtrak in the award of a 1 million train contract the alleg aros becaus amtrak was not notifi that absg consult s program manag for the contract had a close person and financi relationship with the senior amtrak polic depart apd offici who approv absg consult s select as the win bidder and…
  • an amtrak track supervisor in hasbrouck height new jersey was termin from employ follow an administr hear on may 24 2018 for theft relat to time and attend fraud