
  •   "this site will allow you to become more familiar with who we are and what we do. it describes our primary functions and details our mission and mission statement." - theodore (ted) alves amtrak's inspector general
  • what we look at our object was to assess the effect of the compani s schedul cost estim and manag of the washington union station near term improv project and impact on their complet what we found we found that washington union station s nine ongo improv project face risk of delay and cost overrun due to weak in their schedul cost estim and project manag practic in part these weak exist becaus…
  • amtrak the compani contract with the independ public account firm of ernst young llp to audit it consolid financi statement as of and for the fiscal year then end septemb 30 2017 to provid a report on intern control over financi report and complianc with certain provis of law regul contract and grant agreement and other matter the contract also requir ernst young to perform a singl audit of the…
  • the oig will conduct and supervise independent and objective audits, inspections, evaluations, and investigations relating to agency programs and operations promote economy, effectiveness and efficiency within the agency; prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse in agency programs and operations; review security and safety policies and programs, and, review and make recommendations regarding…
  • washington union station s nine ongo improv project face risk of delay and cost overrun due to weak in their schedul cost estim and project manag practic accord to an amtrak offic of inspector general audit releas today union station is amtrak s second busiest station serv approxim 5 2 million passeng annual a seri of near and long term initi known collect as washington union station s 2nd…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s manag of it mainten of way equip our object is to assess the effect of compani polici procedur and control to promot the effici use of the equip and to prevent and detect fraud wast and abus we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the cours of the audit
  • this is to inform you that we are initi engag to monitor the work of the independ public account ipa perform the audit of amtrak s the compani fiscal year fy 2018 consolid financi statement project 010 2018 and singl audit project 011 2018 our object are to 1 determin whether the ipa perform the audit of the compani s consolid financi statement in accord with general accept govern audit standard…
  • an amtrak trainmast was termin from his posit on august 14 2018 and an amtrak execut resign from his posit in lieu of termin on august 17 2018 the chicago base employe violat compani polici by accept gift from the owner of a firm do busi with amtrak and by intent provid fals or mislead inform to the amtrak offic of inspector general
  • audits mission the audits group conducts performance and financial audits across the spectrum of amtrak’s support and operational activities. the group produces reports on those activities that are aimed at improving amtrak’s economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, while seeking to detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.  the audit activities are focused on issues related to…
  • an amtrak extra board lead servic attend in chicago illinoi was termin from employ on august 23 2018 follow an administr hear for violat compani polici by steal compani fund and financi paperwork wrong engag in outsid employ while on medic leav and fail to cooper with the oig dure the investig our investig reveal that the employe stole approxim 2 418 25 in cash and or the cash equival valu of…