dure lead servic attend lsa packet review by the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi it was determin that packet belong to redact former lsa had contain under report sale amount the packet had been process by train provis manag system tpms clerk who had previous been implic in activ design to retain amtrak fund for person gain
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv inform alleg that amtrak had agre to issu a chang order for the work at the redact mainten facil redact which the claimant believ should have been cover under a warranti claus from contract s 064 90678 with rainplan intern inc railplan although the warranti alleg was not sustain oi s review of the contract and it associ chang order…
amtrak inspector general ted alv in conjunct with unit state attorney zane david memeg of the eastern district of pennsylvania announc today the sentenc of georg susini a former amtrak contractor susini was sentenc as a result of his receipt of stolen amtrak refund credit which had been illeg post to his person credit card
the oig receiv an alleg that a provid mainten of way base employe was smoke marijuana dure his shift the alleg was refer to amtrak s drug and alcohol program manag for investig
octob 27 2009 the offic of the inspector general oig offic of investig oi issu a manag report to william crosbi chief oper offic which substanti sever alleg made against redact the basi for those alleg was that redact was abus his posit claim busi travel to commut from his resid in redact to redact
the oig receiv inform that a provid mainten of way base employe had admit marijuana use to a north provid polic offic dure a traffic stop at that time the employe also claim to the offic that the employe could success evad amtrak s drug test program the alleg was refer to amtrak s drug and alcohol program manag for investig
a sourc report that refurbish tractor at ivi citi yard that were purchas from an outsid vendor for 21 000 were unaccept and unsaf interview confirm that the refurbish tractor were defici
redact for marriott hotel report that one of their employe redact compromis a marriott guest s credit card number and use same to obtain an amtrak ticket from newark nj to charlott nc on august 18 2009
tho offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi receiv inform alleg that privat label travel plt a compani that oper a busi ventur for amtrak market titl amtrak vacat was involv in question transact that advers impact amtrak alleg plt violat the contractu window of time between ticket issu and deliveri of the ticket to the ultim passeng
system wide proactiv inquiri into amtrak s locomot fuel systemsm vendor and oper