
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s enterpris risk manag erm process use to identifi evalu and manag risk to the compani s busi process our object are to assess 1 the extent to which the compani has implement an enterpris wide erm process and 2 how the compani is use erm to strateg manag risk across the organ we may expand our scope or modifi our object dure the cours of the audit dure the…
  • we are initi an audit of the companyʹ process for conduct background check for employe and contractor our object are to assess 1 the effect and effici of the compani s process for conduct background investig to help ensur prospect employe and contractor are qualifi honest reliabl and do not pose a secur threat and 2 the compani s oversight of the contractor charg with conduct background investig…
  • this plan repres a revis to our strateg plan for fy 2010 2014 issu in earli 2010 our intent in revis the plan was to articul our vision in the context of our overarch goal to oper as a model offic of inspector general and to establish goal strategi and perform indic to achiev the vision and assess our progress the plan support amtrak s strateg plan fy 2011 2015 particular it goal of attain a…
  • on time rail perform is import to amtrak the compani achiev it strateg goal of acquir and retain satisfi custom and enhanc it revenu the compani use two perform metric to measur the timeli of it train on time perform how a train actual perform compar to it publish schedul arriv time at each station and final destin on it rout delay how much a train s elaps run time exceed it optimum run time at…
  • sinc fiscal year fy 2009 amtrak the compani has increas it use of a contract vehicl call a master servic agreement msa from as few as 10 in fy 2009 to at least 76 ongo in fy 2016 design as a mechan to expedit acquir profession servic such as inform technolog it support the compani has spent at least 404 million on msa contract from octob 2008 through septemb 2016 base on avail data the compani…
  • asplundh tree expert co one of the largest privat held compani in the unit state headquart in willow grove pennsylvania asplundh plead guilti today to unlaw employ alien in connect with a scheme in which the highest level of asplundh manag remain will blind while lower level manag hire and rehir employe they knew to be inelig to work in the unit state announc act unit state attorney loui d lappen…
  • a former salesman at bayway lumber a linden new jersey compani that sold commerci and industri product to numer public and privat entiti was sentenc today to 12 month in prison for conspir to defraud custom and lie to a feder grand juri act u s attorney william e fitzpatrick announc adam martignetti 44 of south river new jersey previous plead guilti befor u s district judg peter g sheridan to…
  • loui d lappen act unit state attorney for the eastern district of pennsylvania announc today that the unit state had reach a civil settlement with ur corpor ur resolv civil claim concern ur improp bill under a joint ventur project manag oversight agreement pmo with amtrak to resolv the govern s civil claim against it ur has agre to pay the unit state 900 000 00 pursuant to the settlement…
  • in march 2017 we initi an investig into alleg that an amtrak employe in chicago illinoi violat compani polici by commut to work in a compani own car and allow his spous to commut with him
  • on septemb 27 2017 a former amtrak electrician plead guilti in the circuit court of cook counti illinoi to theft of amtrak properti he was sentenc to two day in jail time consid serv two year of probat and was order to pay 1 199 57 in restitut