highlight audit report issu in fiscal year 2006
the object of this evalu was to compar labor cost between amtrak and european railroad the oig found that the annual cost of an amtrak infrastructur worker is more than twice as much as the averag european infrastructur worker
oig investig of an employe for embezzl fund by falsifi travel voucher and manipul amtrak travel card purchas result in an arrest warrant and a crimin feloni fraud charg in superior court of the district of columbia the employe pled guilti and was sentenc to five year supervis probat 50 hour of communiti servic and was order to make restitut to amtrak in the amount of 9 862
therefor we focus our work on amtrak s effort to identifi and mitig risk to the success implement of ptc by the decemb 31 2015 deadlin mandat by rsia specif our object was to report on the extent to which amtrak is address what are current the most signific challeng to success ptc implement
washington a former amtrak contractor has pled guilti to a charg of second degre theft for repeat use an amtrak busi pass for person travel u s attorney ronald c machen jr and amtrak inspector general theodor ted alv announc today the contractor pled guilti on april 25 2012 in the superior court of the district of columbia and was sentenc that day by the honor heidi m pasichow the judg place the…
the unit state attorney s offic announc today that it has enter into a settlement with drummac inc drummac a jacksonvill florida base railroad contractor resolv potenti liabil relat to the perform of drummac s contractu oblig and payment arrang with the nation railroad passeng corpor amtrak for servic and mainten of the vermont train in st alban vermont dure the period of juli 1 2000 through…
an on duti amtrak ticket agent was arrest in april 2011 base on a warrant from baltimor counti md the arrest warrant was for a failur to appear on a previous charg of obtain money under fals pretens
a former amtrak contractor was arrest today for illeg use an amtrak busi rail pass to obtain over 50 ticket dure and after his assign with amtrak the contractor had been issu a busi rail pass for travel on offici compani busi while work on an amtrak contract he use the busi rail pass for person travel over a 14 month period the cost associ with this travel was 8 548
use a counterfeit travel voucher a former amtrak oig contractor illeg travel on amtrak over a period of 14 month amtrak oig s investig determin that from april 2010 through may 2011 the contractor took 12 trip with a total valu of 2 251
a conductor who was termin for violat amtrak polici retain a credit card machin that contain sensit custom inform the machin valu at 675 was recov by oi