
  • on juli 13 2017 the philadelphia district attorney s offic and amtrak s offic of inspector general oig announc the resolut of charg against shohana culberson for defraud amtrak of more than 26 000 culberson was charg with theft of servic and crimin conspiraci and was subsequ termin from amtrak culberson s crimin activ was uncov when an amtrak conductor identifi two passeng who could not produc…
  • on januari 23 2017 an amtrak ticket agent was arrest on state charg relat to defraud amtrak of good and servic obtain through amtrak s employe rail pass program our investig found that the employe use her amtrak employe rail pass to reserv ticket in her depend name and suppli them to individu who were not elig for travel benefit we also found that the employe appli for rail pass benefit reserv…
  • two derail this spring at new york penn station penn station led to signific delay for amtrak the compani passeng and rail commut across the new york citi region rais question about the age infrastructur at the nation s busiest train station in respons the compani launch the new york penn station infrastructur renew program renew program which compani document describ as compress sever year of…
  • we initi an investig into alleg that an amtrak the compani divis engin violat compani polici on various issu includ fail to take action after learn about the falsif of daili job brief form for a feder railroad administr audit fail to take appropri action dure the conceal of a major oper rule violat know withhold inform from the amtrak law depart while they were defend a feder railroad safeti act…
  • we initi an investig involv an amtrak the compani supervisor after our separ audit of employe payrol and overtim hour reveal that the supervisor had unusu high claim of overtim hour we found that the supervisor fraudul claim 41 regular hour and 685 75 overtim hour result in a loss of more than 71 000 for the compani the supervisor was arrest in juli 2016 and charg with theft of govern properti on…
  • we initi an investig into alleg that an amtrak the compani supervisor and subordin employe commit time and attend fraud by claim and receiv pay for unwork regular and overtim hour we found that the supervisor fraudul claim 27 75 regular hour and 192 25 overtim hour result in a loss of more than 20 000 for the compani the supervisor was arrest on juli 19 2016 and charg with theft of govern…
  • we initi an investig into sever alleg against two amtrak the compani supervisor for potenti violat of various compani polici associ with the falsif of offici compani safeti document that were furnish to the feder railroad administr our investig found that the two supervisor instruct their subordin employe to falsifi sign and backdat multipl safeti relat job brief form do so creat the illus that…
  • we initi an investig into alleg that two senior amtrak market employe improp use feder grant fund for state and local project that were outsid the scope of the feder railroad administr fra capit grant agreement for fiscal year 2014 and 2015 and commit associ violat of compani polici we found no evid of fraud or person enrich by either employe howev we found that their action violat the term and…
  • on june 9 2017 a former amtrak baggag handler plead guilti in the unit state district court northern district of illinoi to know and intent possess with the intent to distribut cocain in violat of titl 21 unit state code section 841 a 1 in addit the former employe violat compani polici and was ultim termin on novemb 22 2016 for steal an amtrak express freight shipment for person gain which he…
  • we initi an investig into alleg that an amtrak employe had an undisclos person relationship with an employe of an amtrak contractor inappropri steer compani contract to that contractor and oblig compani fund without author in addit sourc alleg that the employe falsifi her employ applic by misrepres profession certif that she held disclos sensit inform to a third parti abus the compani s telework…