
  • the offic of inspector general oig conduct an audit of amtrak s the compani websit secur program our audit object was to assess whether current control provid reason assur that the compani s public access websit are secur the compani use numer inform technolog it applic access to the public via the internet given the compani s relianc on public access websit we compar it practic for it websit…
  • on may 8 2017 an amtrak project manag in miami florida receiv a letter of counsel after fail to disclos that he own a consult busi on amtrak s financi disclosur form
  • on septemb 28 2017 a former amtrak baggag handler was sentenc in the unit state district court northern district of illinoi to 18 month in feder prison and 36 month of probat upon releas the former employe was termin in novemb 2016 for steal an amtrak express freight shipment that contain three to four kilogram of cocain
  • on may 19 2017 an amtrak electrician was convict of grand theft by embezzl in the superior court of alameda counti california and was sentenc to three year of probat the employe also paid 2 364 85 in restitut to the compani our offic investig this case in cooper with the amtrak polic depart
  • we initi an investig after amtrak refer alleg of time and attend fraud by a los angel california coach cleaner discov dure the cours of a payrol audit the compani found that the employe was period paid at a rate that did not correspond to his posit
  • on juli 14 2017 sevier valley oil compani sevier rock canyon oil compani and ron osborn truck agre to pay a cumul settlement of 225 000 to the u s attorney s offic district of utah on behalf of amtrak the settlement is the result of an august 2016 civil complaint against sevier for provid contamin fuel that caus eight amtrak locomot to break down sevier file a third parti complaint against rock…
  • on octob 12 2017 benjamin sheet amtrak superintend of transport chicago union station plead guilti to make fals statement to our agent the u s attorney s offic northern district of illinoi announc that sheet admit in a plea agreement that he steer work to his wife s compani to photograph train rider and famili at amtrak s polar express event sheet was also the busi manag for his wife s compani…
  • in respons to a may 2016 oig investig on an employe s use of amtrak s the compani s benefit for reloc and corpor lodg we conduct addit analysi examin compani practic in this area under the compani s reloc program 1 current and new manag employe can receiv lump sum reloc payment for assum new posit within the compani employe are elig for reloc payment when the distanc between their perman resid…
  • we are initi an audit of the compani s post award contract oversight effort our object is to assess the effect of the compani s polici and practic for overse contractor perform from contract award to complet and to identifi possibl area for improv this audit is a follow on to our work assess compani effort to mitig risk in key contract term and condit project 009 2017 dure the audit we plan to…
  • in august 2016 amtrak the compani receiv a feder loan to purchas 28 new high speed trainset for 1 6 billion and undertak 10 infrastructur improv need to oper and maintain these train for 850 million collect these project call the acela express 2021 program repres the compani s largest singl invest in it 46 year of servic the new equip will replac the 20 acela trainset current provid high speed…