the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi recent learn that a former amtrak lead servic attend lsa who was the subject of an oi investig was sentenc to 1 year s probat and time serv 67 day she was also order to pay fine cost and fee
philadelphia john edward mckoy a former owner and oper of multipl health care facil in the eastern district of pennsylvania includ mt pleasant medic manag inc and harri medic manag inc was charg today by indict in connect with a scheme to defraud unit health care corpor uhcc of more than 321 000 announc unit state attorney zane david memeg
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig oi conduct a proactiv inquiri involv a contractu agreement with a vendor who was hire to instal a close circuit televis system at one of amtrak s facil the vendor in question had instal camera that were not fulli function
on decemb 20 2010 ross e kelli kelli an amtrak foreman track inspector pled guilti in unit state district court for the district of maryland northern divis to violat of titl 18 u s c sec 641 theft from a program receiv feder fund an investig establish that kelli made improp purchas use his unit state general servic administr gsa credit card and inappropri use an amtrak vehicl on numer occas
the offic of inspector general oig offic of investig in conjunct with amtrak s health servic depart conduct a proactiv initi involv employe on medic leav of absenc mloa the initi was design to identifi those employe who were abus the mloa process
a sourc report that sever gsa fuel credit card were stolen from amtrak properti and were be use to make unauthor fuel purchas surveil of the gas station where fuel purchas were be made with the stolen credit card reveal that the card were be use by an associ of a former amtrak mechan
a confidenti sourc alleg that a southampton mainten facil employe was be paid for overtim not work through review of compani record and interview oig substanti that on nine occas when the employe claim to be at work at the facil the employe was elsewher in the boston area
a sourc report that unauthor fuel purchas were be made by an amtrak employe with a wright express credit card agent substanti this alleg through review of document and interview
the inspector general for amtrak announc today that an investig led by his offic has result in an indict of an amtrak employe for theft aris from misus of a u s general servic administr gsa credit card the credit card is paid for with moni of the unit state
an amtrak employe report a possibl misus of credit card to steal fund from the amtrak manual credit card system mccs an investig discov that an amtrak employe who work with the mccs account had use the account to steal over 154 000 from amtrak by credit their person credit card